Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] her " in BNC.

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1 Heathcliff looked more like a gentleman than I had ever seen him , but his wife had not bothered to brush her hair or change her dress .
2 It 's being sent out to the public through the post with no attempt to spare her pride or hide her name .
3 The experience would not dent her confidence or make her fearful about driving alone , she said .
4 The crows attacked and her movements were strangely slow and disorientated as if she could not quite see them , or make her wings and talons move as she intended .
5 He , of course , was very anxious that no one should disobey her , or make her angry .
6 At around one year , she 'll hold out her foot or raise her arms when you ask .
7 If you want your child to be kind , let him know how pleased you are when he shares sweets or acknowledge her deed when she comforts a younger child who is crying .
8 She adored the game so much , Luke only had to shift his weight or touch her mouth to get her to do what he wanted , and she was so competitive she would bump anyone , at first even riding off ponies on her own side .
9 Annunziata looked in to Julia 's room at fairly frequent intervals to turn her pillows or sponge her hot face , but would not let her try to talk .
10 It did not occur to her until later that she could have asked to touch her daughter or kiss her goodbye , as her instinct urged .
11 He was toting the gun for a purpose — to shoot her through the head or knock her unconscious , or both .
12 She had not removed his hand from her arm , or let her arm fall to make his hand fall too ; so he moved his hand to cover hers .
13 Economically the wife is typically dependent ( or at least , could not sustain her lifestyle or support her children on her own earnings ) and her household labour is exploited .
14 But it never seemed right ; she would kiss him , for not very long , at the end of each meeting , and he could hold her , feel his arms around her narrow back , his body briefly against hers , but he could feel her tense if his hands went lower than the small of her back , and when he tried to kiss her more deeply , or hold her tighter , she would break away , shaking her head .
15 She tried to limit herself to the most important ones ( to nod ‘ yes ’ or shake her head ‘ no ’ , to point at an object her companion had failed to see ) , to use only gestures that did not pretend to be her original expression .
16 All that she could identify as remaining of herself was the Jew ; she would never leave unpaid or transfer her spiritual account , if for no other reason than that payment safeguarded what little survived of her identity .
17 At first she identified herself by initials alone , styling herself a ‘ minister or servant of the Gospel ’ , and she did not indicate her gender or give her full name until 1651 .
18 And all the men wanted to take Aileen dancing or give her presents .
19 Mrs O'Brien here at her home in Slough , was told by her husband that the loan back in nineteen eighty seven was only for sixty thousand pounds , the bank did n't correct this or give her independent advice .
20 Also , a woman could find plainness confirmed , or watch her beauty decay .
21 Lacroix 's woman does n't have to eschew luxury for a boil-washed cardigan and a flea-market skirt , or bury her femininity in penitential sackcloth .
22 She was warm , deliciously warm , all over , for the first time since leaving Scotland , and when she had arrived , but an hour before , she had come straight up to Aunt Emily 's room with no injunctions to change her boots or smooth her hair , and been given a tray of tea and toast cut into little fingers and tiny biscuits flavoured with almond .
23 Or get her doctor to tell her where to go .
24 So much so that at one point she was actually investigated by the Inquisition — in its mildest form — who were however unable to discipline or control her life .
25 She held out a piece of black cardboard with a silver star stuck on it , and when her mother made no effort to take it from her or exclaim her delight and approbation , she stared up at her and then said , ‘ Mammy ? ’
26 I find it difficult to reconcile the facts found by the judge with his conclusion that the influence of the mother did not sap her will or destroy her volition .
27 She may experience a crisis of disbelief in her religious faith , or direct her anger towards the medical or nursing staff who cared for her husband , for failing to save his life ; or she may blame family or friends and have feelings of guilt and anger against herself for things that were done or not done during his lifetime .
28 The father does not challenge the mother 's parenting abilities or impugn her capacity as a good mother .
29 The surgeon apparently did not listen to his patient or respect her bodily integrity .
30 Penelope dared not stop or turn her head , for she realised that Rupert must be close behind her .
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