Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Recorders and Assistant Recorders are senior barristers or solicitors who sit as judges a few weeks each year .
2 Recorders ( of whom there are over seven hundred , plus some five hundred Assistant Recorders ) are practising barristers or solicitors who are required to sit for a few weeks each year .
3 Moreover , many of them had brothers or fathers or sons who were free : it was part of a household deployment of people to spread them among occupations for mutual security and utility .
4 For every bright-eyed wagon train or trail blazing adventure , there are a dozen Westerns dealing with lawmen or outlaws who have outlived their times and now find themselves constrained by the pettiness of a civilisation which is rarely grateful for the way they have cleared the ground for its progress .
5 I think erm sexuality begins with sensuality and therefore it should begin in the home , and it should be exaggerated at school , I mean , it should helped but fundamentally it 's with your parents or guardians whoever , who should begin it .
6 Clearly , the expectation is that young people will be steered away from companies or employers who have not undertaken to provide good quality training .
7 First , the lists mention only those performers singers , dancers , or instrumentalists who appeared on stage , but not any musicians who may have been placed elsewhere .
8 The criminal law defines only some types of violence as criminal assault ; it excludes verbal assaults that can , and sometimes do , break a person 's spirit ; it excludes forms of assault whose injuries become apparent years later , such as those resulting from working in a polluted factory environment where the health risk was known to the employer but concealed from the employee ( Swartz 1975 ) ; it excludes ‘ compulsory ’ drug-therapy or electric-shock treatment given to ‘ mentally disturbed ’ patients or prisoners who are denied the civilized rights to refuse such beneficial medical help ( Mitford 1977 ; Szasz 1970,1977a , 1977b ) ; it excludes chemotherapy prescribed to control ‘ naughty ’ schoolboys , but includes physically hitting teachers ( Box 1981b ; Schrag and Divoky 1981 ) .
9 Such language focused attention on the individuals or groups who were ‘ breaking the law ’ , ‘ committing criminal acts ’ , and threatening the interests of the law-abiding ‘ majority ’ .
10 During the initial development of root definitions these factors should be considered in systems terms only , otherwise the analyst may just relate them to the subject organisation , overlooking other individuals or groups who contribute to the system as defined .
11 There are often people in the community or groups who like coming
12 The people or groups who may be your clients in public relations are endless .
13 This mode of explanation has been called methodological individualism , for it seeks to disaggregate all larger institutional and historical entities into the practices and relations of the individuals or groups who compose or inhabit them .
14 Such rewards are offered as prizes in a competition to those individuals or groups who perform best against a specific set of objectives .
15 It falls most heavily on people with very modest savings or houses who have not taken appropriate advice .
16 During this time , Richard Baxter preached and prayed with those Presbyterians or Independents who invited him .
17 Or outworkers who were expected to know how to perform them to very exacting standards for very low wages .
18 Under the Poor Law many children found themselves bound to either masters or mistresses who exploited them and at times treated them with great cruelty , while our own age has learned with shame of the extent of ill-treatment even within the family .
19 A bad year was a disaster to the small peasant while it might well benefit the large farmers or merchants who could store grain for ten years , ‘ observing this rule so consistently that they would pawn their last jewels or load their lands with mortgages until years of high prices ’ .
20 There were also sergeants or armigers who were mounted warriors , upon light horses , with light armour , and of a lower social status than the other mounted fighting men .
21 The new heroes are bright young CIA-types who clean up the baddies in the Establishment , or journalists who oppose the abuse of political power , or expose nuclear power Policy .
22 For the next hour the fairground gradually filled with people , mainly families with young children or teenagers who had become bored with their tour round the factory and were looking for some excitement .
23 Particularly er children or animals who have no say in it at all , we , we take the view that er it 's a family show and we take that responsibility very carefully and very seriously .
24 Many people had been asked to counsel patients or clients who were similarly disabled or to demonstrate their ability to cope .
25 Lord Mayor , I would be the last person to criticise either Councillors or offices who attempt to represent this district on foreign shores , whenever and wherever such trips are perfectly legitimate .
26 None of the PR girls or secretaries who would be in evidence on race days was there .
27 There are numerous accounts from researchers or trainers who start their contact with dolphins thinking they will teach a dolphin how to communicate with humans , and end up wondering it in Fact the dolphin has been trying to teach us a thing or two about communicating with them .
28 In the book world list of bestsellers are often challenged , usually by publishers or authors who feel they should be in the list but have been missed out because the sample of bookshops used for the research was biased against their particular type of book .
29 ‘ is questionable whether the criminal has any less of a right to derive money from reporting the events of the crime than do newscasters , publishers or litterateurs who also benefit indirectly from the crime . ’
30 10.7.7 Each Party , in exercising its rights under Clauses 10.7.2 to 10.7.6 shall be entitled to employ an agent or contractor , provided that it shall not supply computer programs in source code form to such an agent or contractor without the prior written consent of the Party or Parties who have generated or supplied such programs or parts thereof , and
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