Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] come " in BNC.

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1 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
2 Silica may be derived from natural sources or may come from water-treatment chemicals or detergent mixtures .
3 More and more gliders were being produced all the time and it was quite impracticable to house them all in hangars , so they stood endlessly around the edges of airfields in the rain , waiting for an invasion which might come this year or might come next .
4 Theirs was the charm of not being bourgeois , and the foreigners among them could be , or could come across as , princes , pretenders to a throne , descendants of a khan .
5 Then there 's a lady over here who comes or used to come on a regular basis a couple of times a month she comes now a couple of times a year .
6 Convinced , and quite rightly , that nothing had or would come of Napoleon III 's attempts to drum up an alliance with Italy or Austria-Hungary , dismissing such a possibility as ‘ idle gossip ’ , the Prussian Chancellor prepared to spring his trap .
7 An insidious and intrusive pressure may be laid on pupils which , under the guise of a friendly and honest account of a pupil 's interests and activities , may prove just as much of a turn-off for the imaginative or deviant as the examination system itself , and may come quite soon to be regarded with cynicism by both pupils and employers alike .
8 Since a high proportion of residents in Homes are frail , you may have to assist with nursing care and may come across conditions which you may not have met before in elderly people .
9 Kleinworts looked at setting up a common investment fund , and while , says Rupert Marlow , it has ‘ not eliminated the idea and may come in with something in due course ’ , it prefers to rely on authorised unit trusts and exempt unit trusts to manage its £250m of charity money .
10 Civil and Public Services Association chief Barry Reamsbottom told the unions ' Blackpool conference : ‘ We 're stuck in a time-warp and must come in from the cold . ’
11 Before this can be put into effect however , the Society must raise $110,000 just to keep its library open until 1 June , and must come up with an additional $2.5 million to cover a bare-boned operation from June 1993 to June 1994 .
12 She did not want to tell Connor that she had a private plan in mind ; it was such a very long shot , and might come to nothing .
13 Miguel told me that Rosie is doing well , and might come home on Wednesday . ’
14 ‘ Mike Phelan is fit again and could come into the reckoning , but I have plenty of options , ’ said the United manager .
15 The author was , for example , frustrated for some time by a field name written in 1736 as Abboxry Land , and could come to no sensible conclusion as to what was meant .
16 They did n't happen often , and could come at the unlikeliest times and places .
17 I wish you were a Romany and could come with us . ’
18 Given that the Secretary of State 's own appointed governor , the former chief inspector , Eric Bolton , said that the situation at the school is ’ unsatisfactory ’ and that the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers said that pupils and staff at Stratford school are ’ disturbed ’ , does the Minister recognise that the Secretary of State 's statement last week that Stratford school was ’ operating satisfactorily ’ had no basis in fact and could come only from a Secretary of State who sought to evade , rather than take , the responsibility which was plainly his ?
19 Neddy Fawcett , who was farming at West Birk Hatt in the days before it was flooded when the new reservoir opened , was very good with mechanical things and used to come over and try to make it start .
20 They all came down and used to come in our rooms and all sorts of other and I met some very ni and of course , all nationalities , you see and no matter what they were , well of course Cambridge has always been noted for different nationalities , has n't it ?
21 It was most of them was local men but a lot of the Westray men and used to come too and help out .
22 Some sweating millionaires were buying while others said they were too hot to think and would come back later — which they did .
23 He said ‘ you would thing that people were used to elephants , but they love them and would come out and be blessed by her .
24 Any cuts would be on top of production line redundancies and would come only a year after GM finished cutbacks which slashed its white-collar staff by 40,000 to 140,000 worldwide .
25 Basically that David had moved out of Plaistow Grove to leave her on her own to die , to live with the fancy whore from America , and yet on other days , of course , I was perfectly lovely and would come and shop with her and do everything .
26 My brother-in-law had managed to fix things up , he said , and would come right away .
27 I tried so hard to be good but a lot was expected of children in those days , and I often had nightmares thinking the man would know about me and would come and get me .
28 ‘ Owen always seemed to have an enormous amount of mail at Stratford and would come straight from the stage door to the green room , clutching a handful of letters which he would clasp to his body in a special way which I had n't realised he did until I started drawing this picture and could n't work out what to do with the arms .
29 From the open door of the shed he had a good view of Firelight grazing and she got to know where he was and would come up to the hedge close by and wait for titbits .
30 They used to come over for the spud-picking and go to Ormskirk and live in a bothy and would come to Scotland Place because there were so many wakes .
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