Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] take " in BNC.

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1 The presentation of the result may use any of the charting methods described in this chapter , or may take the form of a descriptive narrative .
2 One and the same practice may be performed by a nurturant or a hostile mother , may occur within an easygoing or a rigidly authoritarian home , or may take place against a background of love or of hate .
3 All teachers are or should take responsibility for guidance work .
4 It is at least conceivable that political interference has taken place or could take place in the audit , if only because the auditor is appointed by the Secretary of State ; although there are no obvious examples of this having happened .
5 In contrast with One 0ver The Eight in which he constantly said his ‘ gloo — oo-oo-m ’ words or would take a word like ‘ now ’ and repeat it excessively , he behaved with total seriousness in this ; a different character entirely .
6 How many have taken or will take part in Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) schemes ?
7 That assumption allows us to retrace and anticipate , as it were , the steps a statesman — past , present , or future — has taken or will take on the political scene .
8 Canon have already announced an n by 508dpi engine where the horizontal scan frequency can be set by the OEM and which , even more significantly , can handle pages up to 24″ by 36″ or will take roll-fed paper up to 13′ .
9 While all the steps and grids of a career lattice may exist in principle , in most instances only a small proportion of the paraprofessional work force have access to or can take advantage of existing formal training opportunities .
10 You can draw down the full amount arranged for your loan all at once , or can take the money in stages .
11 Other modules like ‘ History of art ’ , ‘ Media studies ’ and ‘ Tourism ’ already have or can take on a European context .
12 ‘ Come along , then , and let's take a look at you , ’ said McManus .
13 Now we could n't have him in this year to give the others a chance so this is how you voted for the nineteen ninety three racing personality of the year on Channel Four and let's take it in reverse order starting with the person who finished fourth .
14 That your views were on those two questions , and let's take erm , let's stick to views of why do we need influencing , first of all .
15 After lunch ( at about two o'clock ) many of us feel tired and may take a short nap , even though body temperature does not nominally fall much at this time .
16 Breastfeeding infants will require more frequent feeds and may take water and fruit juice in addition .
17 A vaccine will be the most effective way of stopping new infections , but development is slow and may take years to achieve .
18 It is an independent statutory body , which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail Parcelforce .
19 It is an independent statutory body , which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail .
20 If we choose not to attend to the higher-level activity during cycling we simply do not notice our surroundings and may take an incorrect route .
21 It is generally longer for a first baby and may take around 1620 hours .
22 Some of the newcomers — weekend cottagers , holiday-home dwellers — are highly transitory and may take little interest in village social activities .
23 The most senior judges sit in the House of Lords and may take part in its legislative and other activities .
24 As coding with the Read codes can be more detailed than with other codes it will be more prone to error and may take longer .
25 Under the present English law of rape , a judge has complete discretion as to sentencing and may take into account a variety of factors .
26 ECGD 's schemes are often suited to larger contracts and may take time to put in place .
27 Non-typists have difficulty finding the desired keys and may take a long time to type even a short word .
28 The apologies may be veiled and may take the form of a reversal of previous policies , but they nevertheless constitute the admission of how wrong the Government have been .
29 Often it is a response to increasing international competition and may take the form of closure of branches of multinational corporations .
30 Periodic tenancies , although they may ultimately exceed three years , are also covered by this section and may take effect orally : Kushner v Law Society [ 1952 ] 1 KB 264 .
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