Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] could " in BNC.

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1 Do you think these vague presentiments of a beyond or after could ever draw you into organized religion ?
2 Nutty could not think of a good answer and nor could Mr Sylvester , so Nails was allowed to come .
3 But I do n't think they could believe what was happening — and nor could I.
4 They could n't understand it at the time , and nor could I. None of us has any religious sense , there were n't any fundamentalist kinsmen to pacify : the absence of a fellow in a frilly white frock would n't have led to the suppuku of disinheritance .
5 But Preston 's mind could n't cope with it , and nor could his body .
6 And nor could you .
7 Yes , casual work and when some of these casuals felt that they did n't want to stop there two days , they used to tell the authorities that they had got promise of work at , at Yarmouth and and could we go soon , you see .
8 And , or else he 'd be severely injured that he 's got the , the family rest of their life having to look after him and and could kill somebody .
9 He could not lose , but nor could he win .
10 But nor could he see much hope any other way .
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