Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] know " in BNC.

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1 But it is not so easy for the new or little known candidates .
2 It does not point out , or perhaps know , that the CPSA is not affiliated to the Labour Party .
3 Though the distinction is rarely noted ( or perhaps known ) there is a difference between the woodcut and the wood-engraving .
4 When the village was almost entirely an agricultural community then a case can be made , as we shall see , that the close-knit and overlapping social ties produced a situation in which everyone more or less knew everyone else , but we should be wary of sanctifying the agricultural village with a misplaced nostalgia .
5 ‘ We come to what we more or less knew in the first place .
6 Erm we more or less know the young the young thug element as such .
7 If you listen to a text enough times you will come to a point where you more or less know it by heart , and the correct tunes will be sort of " ingrained " in your ind to such an extent that you will yourself react if you would say the text with the wrong intonation .
8 ‘ So you more or less know what we 're about . ’
9 The weekly covers things he more or less knows about and it seems more often to be of more direct concern to him and his family than an event that happened elsewhere .
10 Everyone in the developed countries around 1970 or so knew that there was both a baby bust and an education explosion going on ; half or more of the young people were now staying in school beyond high school .
11 But experts warned computer users that Friday 13th viruses are only a tiny proportion of the 30 or so known types of virus which exist , and that they would be wise to keep taking precautions .
12 Sergio Benedetti , the Florentine chief restorer at the National Gallery in Dublin , has identified a ‘ Christ taken into Captivity ’ high on the walls of an Irish religious college as the missing original version ( of some ten or so known ) of ‘ Christ taken into Captivity ’ by Caravaggio .
13 It is reasonable to assume that the carer 's preference provides some part of the causal explanation ; but it is also likely that the carers ’ preferences were influenced by the severity of the sufferer 's condition , and by whether long-term institutional care was expected , already planned , or already known to be unlikely .
14 In the Game of Life not seeing things as they are is like not seeing the ball clearly when playing tennis , or not knowing where the white lines are .
15 Knowing or not knowing the title of the passage had a significant effect on recall , as did word order .
16 He must get this right , not make a fool of himself by stumbling over the words , not using the correct terminology or not knowing which fish he wanted .
17 What we may expect , know or not know about our audience can present other dimensions of difficulty and challenge .
18 Clearly the cat will know ( or not know , as the case may be ) , but how can anyone else tell ?
19 Parental smoking was dichotomised ( regular or occasional smoker v non-smoker , former smoker or not known ) , and father 's occupation was categorised into four groups : manual , non-manual , unemployed , and not known ( this last category made up 21% ( 943 ) of the 4538 responses ) .
20 The following categorical variables were used : father 's unemployment ( yes , no , or not known ) ; father 's social class ( non-manual , skilled manual , semiskilled and unskilled manual , and not known ) ; one parent in the household ( no , yes , not known ) ; mother 's age at child 's birth ( <20 , 20–23 , 24–27 , 28–31 , >32 , and not known ) ; mother 's education ( primary education , secondary education , further education , and university education ) ; number of children ( one , two , three , four , five or more , and not known ) ; maternal smoking in pregnancy ( no , yes , not known ) ; total number cigarettes smoked at home at the time of the survey ( 0 , 1–4 , 5–14 , 15–24 , 25 or more , and not known ) ; free school meals ( free , not free , not taken , not known if free , and not known ) ; overcrowding ( <1.25 people per room , >=1.25; people per room , not known ) ; maternal and paternal asthma ( no , yes , not known ) ; and study areas ( 27 areas for the respiratory illness analyses and 17 for the lung function analyses ) .
21 If any relationship did exist between recall and previous knowledge it may simply have been obscured by the binary nature of scoring junctions as either known or not known and the fact that most of the subjects actually knew most of the junctions previously .
22 The policy relied on the government being able to meet its borrowing requirements through persuading the public to take up successive issues of government loan stock and through internal ( or technically known as departmental ) support .
23 They will probably not have spent any amount of time with a mentally handicapped person or really know how they behave .
24 The woman convicted of killing one man always denied killing or even knowing the other .
25 But I ca n't see how any of them was physically capable of setting a trap like that or even knowing how to do it . ’
26 Moving closer to home , on the offence of causing death by dangerous or drunken driving , the hon. Member for Huddersfield referred to the Road Traffic Act 1991 , whereby an offender will be found guilty if he drives dangerously , thereby causing someone 's death , whether or not he intended to do so or even knew about it .
27 Both large and small versions of many sections coexisted , but did not communicate with one another , or even know of one another 's presence .
28 Provided the pupils are passing the tests , who is going to care , or even know , what else teachers are getting up to ?
29 She was accustomed to speaking her mind , knew less than nothing about the subject , and uttered the word which no genteel person , particularly a woman , would have spoken , or even known .
30 A closer examination of the Celtic Church reveals a much greater deviation from Rome than is generally acknowledged or even known .
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