Example sentences of "[noun prp] seen from " in BNC.

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1 Fig. 11 North Uist seen from North Lee 23 June 1978 ( A. Currie )
2 With the evening sun touching the highest peaks with crimson , and the smoke from a wood fire undisturbed by breeze , Kirchberg seen from a hill above the village is one of the most tranquil inhabited spots in the Alps .
3 The Quantock Hills seen from West Quantoxhead , 1791
4 RIGHT The site of an Iron Age broch in Scotland seen from the ground .
5 Last year 's View from Invercauld and a painting of Wensleydale from Gunnerside in 1991 are of exceptional quality , while there is a particularly fine , and possibly historically significant , painting of Hong Kong seen from the afterdeck of Britannia , with the White Ensign hanging limply in the foreground .
6 WHEN Mr Neil Kinnock addressed the German Social Democrats ' ( SPD ) conference in Berlin this week , he did so against a vast photographic backdrop of Europe seen from space , without a cloud in the sky .
7 I recalled north India seen from 36,000 feet , laid out like a Liberty print in various shades of silt : Art Nouveauish abstractions of dark arbitrary patches and wriggling river lines in wide sandy beds , whiplash meanders and ox-bows and dried up curves where rivers once flowed — a palimpsest of an earlier topography counterpointed by the rare human impositions of road and railway in thin straight lines .
8 Gloucester seen from Robins Wood Hill , 1829
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