Example sentences of "[noun prp] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His mother and the Sheikha were in constant conference .
2 Sainsbury 's , Texas Homecare , Do It All , Homebase , Comet and Dixons were among stores represented at the presentation of the petition at Chelmsford Civic Centre on Monday .
3 While Biedermann and Baur were in accord with Hegel 's aim to combine Christianity and speculative philosophy , others drew from him the material for frontal attacks on Christian belief , notably Strauss , Feuerbach and Marx .
4 He and Jeff were out most of the time , trying to track down the speedboat , for which a popular local search had been mounted , and he was hardly ever at the villa .
5 " Maurice is on Maurice , just like the Blakes were on Lord Jim . "
6 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
7 Aline and Gwenellen were in my set .
8 Military personnel were constitutionally debarred from voting , but members of the armed forces belonging to Golkar were among the 500 additional appointees to make up the 1,000-member Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat ( People 's Consultative Assembly ) , which would elect the President and Vice-President in March 1993 .
9 Alexei , Jotan , Jehana and Arkhina were among those of the nobility who had elected to eschew the fervour of the crowd , and watched from a wooden platform which had been constructed across the entry to a side street .
10 He described to jardine how indispensable the Aborigines were to his pursuits ;
11 The cables and accessories that came with MainLan were of the cheap and cheerful variety .
12 Although the 1944 Act did not provide detailed prescription for complementary relationships it was clear from the 1943 Education Bill that the LEAs were to be given the responsibility and duty to secure the development of adult education , in consultation with the universities and voluntary bodies .
13 If McKinsey were to be taken literally , this structure would have to be taken apart and new structures created around the business units .
14 Aden radio reported on April 30 , 1990 , the decision that diplomatic relations between South Yemen and the United States were to be restored .
15 However the report also stated that the economy was " entering a critical stage in which the pace of the expansion [ had ] begun to slacken " ; both the United Kingdom ( Ireland 's most important trading partner ) and the United States were in recession , and prospects for agriculture were being affected by budgetary constraints within the European Communities ( EC ) .
16 perhaps it was at this time that a clerk associated with the rebel Poitevins produced a document designed to show that Henry and Eleanor were within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity and their marriage therefore invalid .
17 It remained the main route from the south to Aberdeen until 1800 and Samuel Johnson , Robert Burns and Walter Scott were among the travellers who used the route .
18 Again , the counts of Flanders were in the vanguard , with Robert the Frisian and Robert II offering protection for merchants crossing the county and their peace for the duration of fairs .
19 A communiqué issued by the Geneva conference on Sept. 6 ( but in the event only partially observed — see below ) announced that the warring parties in Bosnia-Hercegovina were by Sept. 12 to place under UN supervision their heavy weaponry ( artillery over 100mm calibre , 82mm mortars , tanks and rocket launchers ) deployed around Sarajevo , Gorazde , Bihac and Jajce .
20 Last , all the vessels found in the island or fetched from Cherbourg were to be brought into Brading harbour laden with stones and sunk the 800-fathom [ 4800-ft ; 1460-m ] fairway that lies between … the outer road of St Helen 's and the inner one of Spithead .
21 Manager Alan Murray , assistant manager Eddie Kyle and McAndrew were at the Northern League club at the same time .
22 Christopher Biggins , Lorraine Chase , Lord Owen , Oz Clarke , Delia Smith and Bruce Oldfield were among the glitterati .
23 It would seem that she and Johnny were to be allowed no souvenirs smuggled from that other world ; that place which their lives could touch but which they could not see .
24 Fergie and Johnny were in one of London 's most exclusive restaurants , their legs entwined under the table
25 Roby and Pat were behind us and we also had support from Nick Raynsford , Martin Jackson , David Nicholas , the editor of ITN , Harry Conroy , the General Secretary of the NUJ and several members of the House of Lords .
26 Arsenal were worth a draw .
27 Arsenal were in the final , but Chapman poured cold water on hopes for the Double .
28 LIVERPOOL and Arsenal were among the disappointed clubs yesterday when Andy Awford signed a new contract at Portsmouth .
29 Indonesia 's trade and economic relations with Taiwan were to be unaffected by the resumption of ties , although the memorandum noted China 's appreciation that Indonesia had " consistently " recognized the administration of the People 's Republic as the sole government of China , of which Taiwan was an integral part .
30 Davies and Newman Holdings and Richard Branson were in discussion over the possible rescue of Dan-Air by Virgin Atlantic .
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