Example sentences of "[noun prp] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 she 's older than Jan I think
2 Bernard I think it 's up that lane you just come down .
3 Okay I 'll tell Chuck I 've sold it .
4 From Ian I do n't understand this applicant Yellow plastic wallets .
5 Ian I do n't want no kiss from you .
6 I certainly learnt next to nothing at St Aubyn 's and when I took the Common Entrance examination for Eton I failed so ignominiously that the authorities wrote to my mother that it would be futile for me to try again .
7 I had become interested in the Sudan itself after reading Samuel Baker 's books , but at first my interest was largely in the wild life and the big-game hunting in the Southern Sudan ; then at Eton I chanced on The River War , Winston Churchill 's vivid account of Kitchener 's campaign to reconquer the Sudan from the Khalifa .
8 At Eton I had passed School Certificate , but without the credit in Latin which was indispensable for getting to Oxford .
9 At Eton I had enjoyed the Field Game but loathed cricket , and had not played soccer or rugger since my preparatory school .
10 At Eton I had read every book I could lay hands on about the Zulus , about Abyssinia and about the rise and fall of the Dervish empire in the Sudan .
11 At Eton I had gone each day to Spottiswoode 's bookshop to follow the course of this war in The Times .
12 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
13 By the time I had reached Moscow I had exhausted myself physically in a purely sensual relationship with my Leningrad guide , Natasha .
14 When you came to Moscow I found you intensely attractive ; in Grindelwald too , with the mountains so atmospheric !
15 It 's so funny though Dan I swear .
16 I do n't know if I want to talk about this on a Saturday lunchtime I tell you Dan I mean it really is it 's erm What are you doing ?
17 Oi Dan I 've got ta , I 've got ta play you , I 've got ta play you later on of me apologizing to the Norwegians .
18 call him Dan I suppose , but
19 When I moved on to Agra I found that the appearance of the buildings there had changed noticeably .
20 : Fjm I have got no answer to that .
21 While I was in Germany I took a special interest in the treatment of creative men and women who had lost direction and in some way broken down .
22 Indeed when the time came to leave Germany I made a mental decision never to return .
23 Were you to turn over that banner which is I think magnificently designed , you would find the other side is entirely about international connections between workers and various groups and so on , so it 's got the international , the wider version and I 'm delighted to know that you have here , you I understand that the G M B is perhaps the only body which has the nearest thing to a formal alliance with the trade union in Germany I mean this is tremendous .
24 In a dream I went to the pictures , in Germany I think .
25 But I think sometimes I mean you 've either got to do what you do coming back from Germany I think you have to take the bull by the horns do n't you ?
26 Em I du n no quite erm
27 Em I think I 'll talk to you now
28 Temple I 've a figure like
29 I did wonder what er like when I saw Ben I did wonder what he 'd how he 'd think , if I 'd changed and stuff .
30 I goes ‘ Annemarie I hope and trust and pray you are not going to put that down on the paper .
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