Example sentences of "[noun prp] put you " in BNC.

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1 The transfers by Ward Marston sound very good , but any sonic limitations are in any event soon forgotten , so completely does Stokowski put you under the music 's spell .
2 Did Eric Clapton put you onto Soldanos ?
3 If you carry on like this I will ask Hassan to put you behind bars . "
4 If you wan na play it , you play it , you know do n't let Matthew put you off .
5 ‘ I hope you turn into an eel and Tom puts you in a broth . ’
6 ‘ It 's our Ernest put you up to this , ’ Sarah interrupted .
8 Did Shirley put you up to this ? ’
9 David Dorn puts you in the picture
10 ‘ And the Trunchbull put you in The Chokey for a whole day ? ’
11 I suppose your Uncle Lucie put you wise .
12 ‘ Did Claire put you up to this ? ’
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