Example sentences of "[noun prp] tell [art] " in BNC.

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31 Silajdzic told the UN human rights meeting that this was so .
32 On July 23 Kuwait told a meeting of the UN Compensation Commission meeting in Geneva that the country 's war losses were between $50,000 million and $100,000 million .
33 In 1974 , visiting the northern region of the Maramureş , one of the districts richest in the everyday survival of peasant customs and dress , Ceauşescu told a group of folk-artists that adhering to traditions was one way of developing a communist country : ‘ I appreciate … these true works of popular art as an expression of your commitment to maintain the dress and customs of [ your ] ancestors , as well as to weave them tightly with that which is new , … because only in this way will we build a strong socialist society . ’
34 On Oct. 3 , Bhutto told a press conference in Islamabad that if she was returned to power , she would use constitutional and political means to force the President to resign .
35 On Sept. 10 UN Assistant Secretary-General James C. Jonah told a news conference in Nairobi that he apologized for statements made by several UN officials accusing the government of obstructing relief operations in the south .
36 Mr Beaton told the court that he had been asleep in his cab when two men with Glasgow accents woke him up by placing a bag over his head .
37 Miss Poraway told the men who were unloading the trestle-tables that she would require a good one , because she ran the book-stall and always had .
38 Sheriff Scott told the youths they had appeared in court on a very serious charge , but appeared to have learned from the experience .
39 US senator Daniel Moynihan told a US Senate foreign relations subcommittee hearing on Sept. 13 that Ne Win was " nothing more than an Asian Noriega " , a reference to the then Panamanian leader , Gen. Manuel Noriega , whom the US government accused of involvement in the illegal drugs business .
40 On 31 October 1988 , Minister Colin Moynihan told the House of Commons that there would be ‘ no adverse or long-term effects ’ .
41 Earlier , Aindow told the court that he was hit on the left thigh by the side of the car , which knocked him into the side of road and possibly on to the kerb .
42 Pat told the Careers Officer : ‘ I 'm going on to become a professional footballer ’ . ’
43 Adams told the court he had been out drinking but had no more than three pints .
44 Dr Cunningham told the press conference : ‘ There is virtually no protection for water consumers in these proposals at all . ’
45 Robin Wright told the jury : ‘ Mick told me he wanted Linda to make love to me .
46 Weary of Israel 's ceaseless importuning , it recently produced a long and scholarly ‘ confidential report ’ which concludes that , since Arafat told the UN General Assembly last December that he recognised Israel 's right to exist and ‘ renounced ’ terrorism , the PLO has not been speaking with ‘ forked tongues ’ and its declarations have ‘ for the most part been consistent , regardless of the media in which they appear . ’
47 ‘ President ( Mikhail ) Gorbachev floated the idea , ’ Mitterrand told a joint news conference with the Kremlin chief after the two men met in Kiev .
48 Mitterrand told a press conference that NATO should not " preach " to others on how to organize their internal affairs .
49 Angered by Hoover 's decision to switch 400 jobs from Dijon to Cambuslang , Mr Mitterrand told a television audience that the 11 other nations would eventually force Britain to stop what he described as unfair competition by opting out of the social chapter .
50 Last June President François Mitterrand told the assembled autocrats of French-speaking Africa that their countries should become more democratic .
51 Maria de Lourdes Sequeira Dias from Portugal told the parliament of the problems of Portuguese pensioners : ‘ The slice of the national cake available to pensioners in Portugal is decreasing .
52 Mr Spencer told the jury : ‘ For a period of two years , from about the age of 13 onwards , the girl found herself the target of sexual and physical abuse from her stepfather .
53 In May the DHAC was back at the Guildhall , where Matt O'Leary told the corporation that its members ‘ filled him with nauseation ’ .
54 On Nov. 12 the French Foreign Minister , Roland Dumas told a meeting of EC Foreign Ministers in Brussels that references to GATT had " no place in a declaration which focuses essentially on the future " .
55 The French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas told a meeting of the WEU on June 5 that the RRF would create " many problems " , and he criticized NATO 's failure to " define political objectives " before " deciding on force structures " .
56 Killearn told the duke that the laird intended to write
57 Yacoubou told the Group how student demonstrators were arrested and sent to prison in remote areas , where they were ill-treated and denied any contact with their families .
58 Freud told the old Man that had he not become an analyst , he would have been an economist , which conjures up all sorts of hilarious possibilities .
59 In June 1960 , following this acceptance of ‘ realities ’ in domestic policy , Wehner told the Bundestag that the SPD also accepted the main elements of Adenauer 's foreign policy , such as NATO and EEC membership .
60 On May 10 Kolingba told an extraordinary meeting of the RDC executive committee that multipartyism required a gradual preparation and education of the population and was in no way a guarantee of democracy .
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