Example sentences of "[noun prp] want she " in BNC.

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1 Hitchcock wanted her for The Birds but she turned him down .
2 She 's very slim with curves in all the right places , but Dennis wanted her to be even thinner .
3 See , Courtney wanted her to come .
4 If she did as Emelda wanted she could free Linda but would be snared herself .
5 She wiped it hastily away ; Roman was n't hers to keep and , though he paid little attention to Dana , she was determined to have her own way , and Claudia knew that what Dana wanted she usually got .
6 And all that she could think about was , why did Josie want her out of the way ?
7 No , she would not want to change that … only to have it go on , with Tyler wanting her as much as she wanted him .
8 Even if Martin wanted her to stay , Marion ca n't stand her .
9 And I 'll tell you the only reason I took the baby home was because Martin wanted her .
10 If Tom wanted her she would go to Tom , just to be with someone , to have someone to hold her in the night .
11 Alice , well used to such situations , was standing her ground , was not hurt , or offended , or any of the things she knew Faye wanted her to be .
12 Loulou wants her to go with him , ’ said Jeannine .
13 Cos Mrs wanted her to use her .
14 As for the name , Sam wanted her to be called the Martha and Harry the Bridget , and the only way they could resolve the question was to name her after their favourite place of refreshment , instead .
15 She could not be certain that Phoebe wanted her and needed her .
16 Philip wanted her to go .
17 But Gilbert wanted her to look at him .
18 In true Burrows ' fashion she was looking forward to it and convinced that this was what God wanted her to do .
19 She felt if that was my desire and what God wanted she was happy to stand by me .
20 But she also said Hawick wanted her to give up her partnership here and she did n't think she could bear to . ’
21 That 's what I said to her I mean and Tracey wanted her because she did n't want her to feel upset .
22 When the news was broken to Martha that Lydia wanted her for a bridesmaid , she was excited .
23 Was that what Cara wanted her to do ?
24 It was n't only Chilcott 's promise of a tidy sum of money and six horses if he would take Topaz as his spouse which made Manfro want her .
25 I take it that Mr Treadwell wants her about her husband 's funeral ? ’
26 Wycliffe wanted her to talk , not merely to answer questions , and he tried to give her a new lead .
27 It is understood that Mr Major wanted her to be prisons minister , and there was speculation last night that she might have been reluctant to be back in harness with Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Home Secretary , who was her boss at the Health Department during the eggs affair .
28 Leif wanted her , but could n't care less about Thomas .
29 She offered to come down for the weekend to help , and Carolyn wanted her badly enough to hesitate before putting her off .
30 Marc wanted her out , yes .
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