Example sentences of "[noun prp] give them " in BNC.

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1 United got off to a flyer with Richard Hill giving them a lead after just eight minutes .
2 Bernice gave them an encouraging smile , which they returned weakly , and detached herself from their embrace with one last squeeze and one last pat on the shoulder .
3 They returned to Tunbridge Wells via Cheltenham , where Lulu Harrington gave them tea and her fulsome apologies for being unable to remember the full name and address on Beatrix 's fourth letter .
4 Frankie gave them a wide berth .
5 Edward gave them only until the following morning .
6 The members walked to the ‘ handsome restaurant erected on the very summit of the Head ’ where Mr Burt gave them all lunch .
7 Rex gave them a shake .
8 Intercity gives them a very good image if your journey was on time but it 's definitely there as a a positive thing .
9 Privately she was relieved Dauntless had refused to let Drago give them rattles .
10 Never go to them , no I put these up for Anthony give them here , give it
11 The group recorded three demo tapes and Gedge made two abortive trips to London to try to persuade John Peel to give them a session .
12 Holland has Gullit and Van Basten , England have Barnes and Lineker , Argentina will rely almost exclusively on Maradona to give them a cutting edge .
13 Kingsley Barrett , the Methodist , whom Ramsey had chosen for the faculty at Durham , wrote of his belief that a special providence must watch over the Church of England to give them at least some good bishops in spite of the deplorable method of their appointment .
14 But the men from the Midlands had enjoyed themselves so well , they decided the engraved glass trophy should stay in Scotland to give them the excuse to come back and play for it again !
15 Carrefour gave them a wide grin , and stepped down the shadow path to their leader .
16 These flowers have lasted me a long time cos Ruth gave them to me on my birthday last month .
17 Their strictures on the ‘ maximalism ’ of the Bolsheviks , on the ‘ premature ’ nature of the October revolution , and on the backwardness of Russia gave them a broad area of common ground with the liberal view .
18 On their first stay the Mackinnons gave them ‘ the comfort of a table fully furnished ’ , and a party that night with songs in Gaelic , in whose choruses even Boswell joined .
19 I went on tour frequently from Simla to most of the main cities of India , speaking to Indian audiences and getting together groups of refugees from Burma to give them the latest news and to encourage them with hopes of victory and return .
20 The folk at Fanmore gave them a good fight last week , and drove them off with five men dead , and they 've not been seen since .
21 They can see that the UN gives them a position at the bargaining table .
22 this is a new United though … they 've a bit more go … bit more steel in their boots … and with just three minutes to go Alex Dyer gave them victory … what a win 3-2 three cheers for Oxford …
23 Dalton Grant gave them a headache by beating Liverpudlian favourite Steve Smith in the high jump , 2.25m to a dismal 2.05m .
24 Pat told them to take what they liked and Carrie gave them linen and other items which were now impossible to buy .
25 Catherine and Mary together sang ‘ The Lover 's Complaint ’ ; Mrs Robinson gave them a moving ballad about a double death on Scafell ; Annie began a song , burst into embarrassment and ran out with Damson mewing ‘ No-oo-oo , No-oo-oo ’ , behind her .
26 Scarborough booked a fourth round tie against either Derby or Arsenal when second-half goals from Tommy Mooney and Andy Mockler gave them a 2–1 win over Plymouth .
27 Duncan gave them both a farewell smile and left .
28 Lady de Vesci gave them her splendid London house at 28 Bruton Street , and it was thought he should have a seat in Parliament .
29 At a pinch , indeed , Labour and Meretz could rule on their own : the automatic support of two small Arab factions in the Knesset gives them 61 votes in the 120-seat chamber .
30 They went into the hut and the Bārakotes gave them each a bowl of buffalo milk .
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