Example sentences of "[noun prp] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 … the city of Chichester doth so fast decay and run to ruine , and the multitude inhabiting there so fast growe too beggary that except for remedy thereof some speedy order bee taken it is very likely the multitude of poor in the liberty of that city increasing will cause the better sorte ( being few that can contribute towards the releefe of the poore ) by reason of charges to wex weery of inhabiting the city .
2 But the University have Wor WordPerfect do n't they ?
3 ‘ Maybe I can find a lever for Horemheb to do so .
4 There was nothing for Branson to do now but cut his losses , and trust to a return of the Branson luck .
5 The Palestinian group refrained from approving the US plan , saying that it was for the PLO to do so .
6 It is now time for the United States to do likewise .
7 They formed a group so that they could put forward a collective case with Ewan Veitch doing most of the research , Yuel McMurray , assisting .
8 They formed a group so that they could put forward a collective case with Ewan Veitch doing most of the research , Yuel McMurray , assisting .
9 So ended an interesting World Championships , the newly merged Germany on top , the USSR and Hungary doing well , some gems falling to outsider nations and a pair of astonishing bronze medals in 10km canoe events for Great Britain .
10 Even allowing for O'Donovan doing half as much business , this would mean 3000 tonnes of toxic waste leaving Ireland a year .
11 WHAT WAS JONAH doing inside the whale in the first place ?
12 ‘ Hoomey , Bean and Singh do n't , ’ said Bean bleakly .
13 I always wanted to have gallery openings on the same day but Annely Juda did n't .
14 So Veronica did n't support herself , Loretta noted .
15 The secret news from Dunegal of Nithsdale , using a name that only Thorfinn would recognise , that Thorfinn did not talk of at all , at least before Groa .
16 Knocks it in and er once again I have to say Whitlow did well .
17 Gloria seemed so pleased that Dot did n't like to say how constricting the coat felt round the neck .
18 Some 40 per cent of services in Flanders do not employ such staff ( Hellinckx and Munter , 1990 ) .
19 If the complete Porgy reveals anything , it is that Gershwin did not go straight from one hit to another ( as we did here , from ‘ Summertime ’ to ‘ A Woman is a Sometime Thing ’ ) .
20 Moreover , the decision to establish institutes of higher education in every country except Powys did not materialize wholly in the form proposed in the outline plan .
21 The letters took ages but somehow Rebecca did n't find it so difficult this time .
22 So what did John look like perhaps like a little Billy Bunter did n't he ?
23 Ari did not like Tammuz Malamute .
24 Erm David Allenby did n't talk like that .
25 Gazza did not even come out for the second half — he had proved all he needed to prove to any disbelievers still out there .
26 But Creed did n't give Jed time to think .
27 Creed did n't appear to have heard .
28 Creed did n't lift his eyes from his drink .
29 Sue Small did n't .
30 Johnny did n't answer , but simply rolled onto his stomach and buried his head in the pillow .
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