Example sentences of "[noun prp] for be " in BNC.

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1 I have to thank John Bicourt for being there .
2 You could forgive Debby Cumming for being a not-so-youthful Alice as she stomped and skipped like the naughtiest girl in the class .
3 THE GIRLFRIEND : Dutch runner Petra blasted Jason for being ‘ so stupid ’
4 They refused tokens to Donald McCorquodale for being intoxicated in Bowmore , Mary McNiven of Barr for " selling whisky without licence to companies holding merry meetings and balls in the place , " and Williume Johnson for " being negligent in attending public worship . "
5 ‘ So you said , but you can not blame Inspector Cotton for being a bit … surprised . ’
6 Not for the first time , Beth asked herself how she could so readily condemn David for being so weak as to love someone who had treated him in such a callous and despicable manner , when she herself was guilty of the very same weakness !
7 She was thoroughly upset now , angry with Therese for being so two-faced and injuring the man who had , more or less , founded the company single-handed .
8 He was quite a personable young man , but the Waaf I recognised instantly as the one who had been ejected from Hut 4 at Bourn for being dirty .
9 Marsh said : ‘ I do n't blame Kim for being angry — I did leave her in a bad financial situation . ’
10 I 'd like er to thank Alan for being involved erm a proposer and seconder ?
11 Brazilian coach Carlos Alberto Parreira criticised England for being too defensive .
12 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
13 Stuart Caughey of Rolls Wood Group [ Repair and Overhauls ] repair division has recently been awarded Junior Chamber Aberdeen 's Sillerton Quaich for being its best new member .
14 PAUL MERSON may have been bombed out of the Arsenal team by George Graham for being overweight .
15 ‘ But he still enjoys writing and one thing we love Yorkshire for is walking in the country . ’
16 Five pound for you Fred for being good to me .
17 I 'm not quite sure whether you were commending Martin for being able to have two children in the same year
18 Thank you NCT for being there .
19 Rose was critical of Romilly for being carried away by ‘ heat and popular prejudice ’ ; Romilly himself linked his denunciation of the barbarities of the slave trade with speaking on behalf of the wishes of ‘ the people of England ’ .
20 Thanks also to Graham Lloyd for being the clerk of the works !
21 I do n't blame Victor for being angry : I simply do n't know what happened to my tape recorder ; I 've never fouled it up before . ’
22 Suddenly Clare realized why Sam had come , and cried scornfully , ‘ You ca n't criticize Adam for being devious !
23 The Society would like to thank all who helped in any way with the Stand and in particular Mr and Mrs J. Lawley for being custodians of Material on site .
24 Even music fans who have n't dirtied their hands in their lives adore Bruce Springsteen for being America 's earnest , sincere , blue-collar rock ‘ n ’ roll conscience in a tatty , checked shirt .
25 At present England players are paid £300 by the FA for being selected , £500 for a draw and £700 for a win .
26 Hans Baensch for being involved in the publication of one of the best general reference works on coldwater/tropical fish and for his lifetime 's work with fish
27 One miracle to praise God for is that everything that has been sent out to me I have received ( at least as far as I know ) .
28 Thanks be to God for being what He is , for showing Himself to me …
29 For years they taunted bitter cross-town rivals Linfield for being a sectarian football club , for making Windsor Park a no-go area for Catholics .
30 It is Ptolemaic and is rare amongst the buildings of ancient Egypt for being architecturally intact .
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