Example sentences of "[noun prp] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 she 's older than Jan I think
2 Bernard I think it 's up that lane you just come down .
3 Okay I 'll tell Chuck I 've sold it .
4 From Ian I do n't understand this applicant Yellow plastic wallets .
5 Ian I do n't want no kiss from you .
6 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
7 It 's so funny though Dan I swear .
8 I do n't know if I want to talk about this on a Saturday lunchtime I tell you Dan I mean it really is it 's erm What are you doing ?
9 Oi Dan I 've got ta , I 've got ta play you , I 've got ta play you later on of me apologizing to the Norwegians .
10 call him Dan I suppose , but
11 : Fjm I have got no answer to that .
12 Were you to turn over that banner which is I think magnificently designed , you would find the other side is entirely about international connections between workers and various groups and so on , so it 's got the international , the wider version and I 'm delighted to know that you have here , you I understand that the G M B is perhaps the only body which has the nearest thing to a formal alliance with the trade union in Germany I mean this is tremendous .
13 In a dream I went to the pictures , in Germany I think .
14 But I think sometimes I mean you 've either got to do what you do coming back from Germany I think you have to take the bull by the horns do n't you ?
15 Em I du n no quite erm
16 Em I think I 'll talk to you now
17 Temple I 've a figure like
18 I goes ‘ Annemarie I hope and trust and pray you are not going to put that down on the paper .
19 I goes Annemarie I doubt if there would be any chance for you even under Munn and Dunning unless you can conquer the capital letter .
20 He did n't always recognize the president 's authority , there 's a wonderful , there 's a wonderful true story of er er at some point in the Korean war Truman flew out from Los Angeles and MacArthur flew out from er Korea and they met in one of the Pacific islands , I forget which one i er Wake Island I think , and , and on the runway you had the president 's plane at one end and MacArthur 's plane at the other end you see , and Truman sits there waiting for MacArthur to come to him and MacArthur sits there waiting for the president to come to him , you see , and nobody moves .
21 However well-intentioned an Arnold or an Attlee or a Keynes or a Webb I suspect that the outcome can hardly be what they envisaged .
22 I was once introduced to Sir somebody , David Webb I think , who was in charge of the Opera House .
23 With apologies to Winston Churchill I venture to mis-quote : ‘ Never has so much rubbish been written by a few , against so many . ’
24 What do you think Dean I mean ?
25 You see it may be that Dean 's right I must admit I think I , I agree with Dean I think he is right that the real problem is that natural selection may have fitted us by , as it were , rigging our emotional system .
26 He had some ill health erm he , he was , they brought in a bloke who was retired from some place up north , Sheffield I think it was .
27 Whiston-born Howard , 24 , said : ‘ I 've told Widnes I want a move and wo n't play for them again .
28 One of the things the group in Wolverhampton I think at the Theatre Royal there is , is doing both audio descriptions by sign language I think and one of the things they 've , they , they do is meet in the bar
29 It was Miss Honey this and Miss Honey that and Miss Honey I do honestly feel I could move almost anything in the world , not just tipping over glasses and little things like that …
30 BTW I do n't agree with selling Fat Frank .
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