Example sentences of "[vb past] against any " in BNC.

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1 Sharpe was among the staff officers who trotted their horses down the Charleroi road , past the Gemioncourt farm by the ford , and so on up the shallow hill until they reached the infantry brigade which guarded against any frontal attack up the high road .
2 Sharp fulminated against any notion of equality of opportunity while the financial disparities between authorities remained , but his writing on the subject leads one to suspect that he viewed it as a ‘ shibboleth ’ in more ways than financial ones .
3 In his farewell address to the American people in January 1961 , Eisenhower warned against any attempt to seek some " miraculous solution " to the difficulties the world faced .
4 In moments of crisis , Socrates was guided by the utterances of a divine voice , which invariably warned against any further pursuit of knowledge .
5 HEARTS ' John Robertson yesterday spoke up for all the members of Scotland 's impromptu squad to face Germany when he railed against any suggestion that the side who will tonight take on the world champions at Ibrox is made up of ‘ second class citizens ’ .
6 In all this writing the emphasis was usually very heavily , as in the past , on the obligation of the diplomat to defend jealously the honour of the sovereign he represented against any claim , any change in ceremonial , which might be construed as the slightest threat to it .
7 In the House of Commons on the afternoon of Thursday , 3 December , he got a sizeable cheer when he spoke against any ‘ irrevocable step ’ .
8 It was conceived as the proper function of the nation 's mothers to rear ( within families suitably inoculated against any possibility of communism in the home ) fine imperial specimens of manhood .
9 While generally approving existing British legislation , Professor Zander cautioned against any extension of powers and points to the United States where , he said , mere suspicion could mean financial ruin for individuals and organisations while the law also allowed the seizure of all assets , not simply those related to a specific offence .
10 This militated against any substantial devolution of managerial power and initiatives to the divisions .
11 These characteristics militated against any assumption of agency .
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