Example sentences of "[vb past] again a " in BNC.

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1 After about a month I rang and was told I 'd be hearing something soon , and when I did n't I phoned again a month or so later and was told the same .
2 I tried again a week later .
3 She tried again an hour later with the same result .
4 Then he came again a couple of days after and took the baby . ’
5 For she stood before him naked and brazen , and began again a slow weaving movement of her limbs , without departing from where she stood .
6 Clinging onto things , breathing little , inching a slow way forwards , I achieved again a sort of numbness to my basic state and in looking upwards to the stars at every pause felt lighter and more disembodied than before .
7 He returned again a decade later to record the six Schübler Chorales , the Trio Sonata No. 5 in C ( BWV529 ) and ( like Rawsthorne ) the weighty St Anne Fugue ; only Downes also includes the Prelude .
8 The trouble started again a few weeks later and yet another overdrive was fitted , this one with double oil Deals , but the oil leak was Still there .
9 A few minutes after they started again a movement out on the plain caught Nathaniel Sherman 's eye .
10 He recorded again a short time later : The overseers are harassed to death and summoned everyday before a justice , this will never do …
11 It was a small back room at the back of the house , little more than a box , but when she pressed down the switch of the low-voltage nursery light she felt again a glow of maternal , proprietorial pride .
12 She felt again a burst of resentment against Treadwell and the Bishop .
13 He went again a week later to take her home , and sat in the hospital waiting room for her , full of trepidation .
14 The forces of property development always wanted to structure the terms by which the city became again a safe investment location for capital .
15 First during the seventies the position of women in society , an issue dormant since the 1930s , became again a matter of public debate .
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