Example sentences of "[vb past] us down " in BNC.

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1 It was a load lifted from the heart , a load we had not even known weighed us down .
2 This was Elisabeth Lee ; she invited us down to look round while she went off to collect her child .
3 ‘ Be thankful I 'm not a Gunner : I 'd 've brought my theodolite along and surveyed us down to the inch every five minutes . ’
4 But United are hanging on to ‘ Captain Marvel ’ leaving Derby boss Arthur Cox admitting : ‘ We made an inquiry for Robson , but United turned us down flat and said he was not available . ’
5 We stopped outside the church door and the driver handed us down .
6 You followed us down to the river and waited until we returned .
7 I think he was watching the chateau for days and followed us down to the village . ’
8 In the Welsh hills , where the Severn still looks like a river and not the characterless drain it is in the middle and lower reaches , there was ice on the road , and this slowed us down considerably .
9 ‘ But the goal settled us down and after we went in front we started to play .
10 Then his wife died on the trek and he and his daughter walked into India and asked people everywhere — Did they know where Padre Appleton was ? until at last he tracked us down to Poona .
11 An hour later , Sean tracked us down , started his sister 's car and towed his own back home .
12 Heaps of spoil lay between Stags Fell and the road , so we picked our way through them and down by a wall to the road , following a pleasant series of falls through Shaw Gill Wood above Hardraw Force for a while before hitting the road again where a footpath took us down through flower-spattered meadows to Hardraw .
13 The bus for the centre of Cairo took us down to the Nile and then along the Corniche to the 6th of October bridge .
14 ‘ I think Stephen wanted James to see the site first thing this morning before you took us down to the house , ’ Elaine said , and helped herself to a warm bun which she tore open , spreading it thickly with butter and lime jelly .
15 And we started , they gave you a helmet , we had to buy a canteen to put your water in and a metal box to put your sandwiches in and then they took us down .
16 Well of course from there , they took us down to Southampton .
17 I du n no it was arranged but it was a a small water boat that took us down , the Flying Kestrel .
18 By his time I was terrified and I do n't ever be so and our teacher took us down below and tried to play games my mind I distinctly howling my .
19 At last the sun began to set and Agrippa took us down to the courtyard to watch the other great Scottish lords arrive .
20 Then they 'd they 'd bunged us in the train and sent us down to Marseilles .
21 Seb says we 're entered — he put us down .
22 until then the French and Italian and other delegations had us down as a quiet reserved nation
23 ‘ We were preparing for what we thought might be our future and so we got back to the people who 'd singled us out , and a guy called Keith Wilson , who was eventually responsible for recording and co-producing our first Fleetwood Mac album , got us down and we put an album out , which kind of came and went .
24 A Fatah officer with long , dirty hair led us down a slit trench cut into the soft , red earth .
25 After dropping 100m in about 4.5 miles , a sneaky left hand turn ( just after you come to some dry stone walls ) led us down a long rough track to the Low Mill — Gillamoor road .
26 A broad Land-rover track led us down to Hard Level where lived poor Adam Baker who was fined for not burying his daughter in a woollen shroud " according to the law " .
27 Bertie led us down a sloping alleyway to a heavy door where we left our shoes .
28 Afterwards , one of the servants led us down to a vaulted cellar .
29 It pinned us down and made us feel that we could n't not go back without feeling terribly guilty .
30 Yes , he was totally good , he sat us down .
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