Example sentences of "[vb past] them on " in BNC.

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1 She had brought things to make their evening meal and she emptied them on to the work-counter : wine , cheese , spinach , onions , bread , the pink-white tines of a rack of lamb , as if all the promise of their future lay in the guarantee of such ordinariness being possible .
2 They went down a narrow lane called Smugglers ' Gully , which led them on to a wild rocky headland .
3 The captain of the guard led them on to the scaffold , a scrawny-faced clerk gabbled out the sentence of the court .
4 I flung them on to the bed where she should have been , but was n't .
5 Catherine 's anger was also aroused when a photographer took pictures of her topless on the French Riviera and sold them on to a men 's magazine .
6 We helped second-hand car-buyers , too , when we uncovered British School of Motoring 's clever dodge for covering up their cars ' real origins when they sold them on .
7 He was interested to see Ray 's collection , presented to Samuel Dale just before he died , who later passed them on to Chelsea .
8 He passed them on to another colleague who led us finally to our places which were kept for us in the Grand Salon .
9 The bodymaker passed the doors to the finishers , who in turn passed them on to the french polishers ; the doors then moved along to those whose work it was to hang them in position , the operations being so arranged that the polished door was completed just at the point where it was to be hung on the coach .
10 He was accused at his trial in 1990 of having , ‘ with counter-revolutionary aims , collected lists of people detained in the disturbances ( activities carried out by Tibetans in 1988 in support of independence ) and passed them on to others , thus violating the ( laws of ) secrecy ’ .
11 He was accused of having , ‘ with counter-revolutionary aims , collected lists of people detained in the disturbances and passed them on to others , thus undermining the law and violating the ( laws of ) secrecy . ’
12 By February 1916 pressure was mounting again , and resolutions calling for compulsory national service were flowing in ; the Executive refused to debate them , but passed them on to Law nevertheless .
13 Luke passed them on . ’
14 Opponents spread rumours ; gossips passed them on — that Arthur had misappropriated funds , that he had wrecked the church car ; that he had insulted a senior white church lady , and so on .
15 The Crown claim Butler had collected information about his movement in the town and passed them on to the IRA .
16 But even among the backward and traditional , two kinds of country people were the major pillars of the ancient ways — the old and the women , whose ‘ old wives ’ tales ' passed them on to new generations , and occasionally , for the benefit of city men , to collectors of folklore and folksong .
17 Spokeswoman Jane McLean said yesterday : ‘ After that we stopped recording the calls and passed them on to the JobCentre at Holywell , which is handling the recruitment . ’
18 Spokeswoman Jane McLean said yesterday : ‘ After that we stopped recording the calls and passed them on to the JobCentre at Holywell which is handling the recruitment . ’
19 Mrs Scamp levered them on to her face and I handed her the Access card .
20 Our mum tried them on she said but six foot four and a short arse she said
21 And erm , I tried them on , well I , I bought , I mean I bought them and brought them home and a sort of cropped , cropped leggings they did n't really do anything for me .
22 Eh , concentrate , oh yeah leggings , erm so Jenny tried them on , and they looked really nice on her , cos her legs , you see , cos I 've got this bit here , little bit there , erm , and being cropped , just made the legs look a bit sort of stumpy .
23 The new novel has married the pair and moved them on into the mid-Sixties and from the provinces to London , where Patrick works misgivingly in a fashionable publishing-house .
24 Moving on loitering youths is a policing situation ripe for such amplification , as other research has shown ( Southgate and Ekblom 1986 : 35 , 37 ; Young 1971 ) , and there were several occasions when policemen for whom this imagery is very important over-reacted to the presence of young people on street corners and were aggressive in the way they moved them on .
25 We just moved them on .
26 By October , though , these wally wagons had given way to splinter-thin rowing shells in which muscular lads sweated and gasped over their oars while a weedy wimp goaded them on to still greater suffering .
27 He unzipped the holdall , took out a couple of Boyt shoulder holsters and dropped them on to the table before delving into the holdall again for two handguns carefully wrapped in strips of green cloth .
28 People who were infused with a fervour which drove them on .
29 From the drawings , he sketched various elevations , then cut them out and transferred them on to the blocks of wood to be bandsawn .
30 ’ Francie turned them on .
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