Example sentences of "[vb past] that where " in BNC.

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1 They found that where the market value was 85 per cent or less of that predicted by the model , shares outperformed the market .
2 But the Crowther Committee and Consumers ' Association reported that where mail order prices could be compared directly with prices in the shops , they appeared to be between 5 and 15 per cent higher .
3 The Council of Heads of Government agreed that where possible republics would repay a proportion of the debt outstanding between them , balance of payments statements would be issued , and 0.2 per cent interest would be incurred on overdue payments .
4 We agreed did n't we , no we agreed , I thought we agreed that where
5 When Peel heard Lord John Russell 's introduction of the Bill on 1 March 1831 , he realised that where he had meant to divide the middle from the lower classes , the measure proposed by the Whigs would unite them in support of the new Government .
6 Smith argued that where a print run — or more likely a reprint — had left hundreds or thousands of unsold copies , it made sense in times of crippling warehouse costs and tight cash flows to unload slow-selling stock .
7 His Lordship added that where the presumptions created a result which was contrary to the intention of Parliament then the presumptions had to give way .
8 Feare noted that where the capsules were continually submerged in seawater , 100% of them hatched .
9 But as Elisabeth stood watching she noticed that where the sea met the shore it broke in lively foam .
10 She knelt down and wept and noticed that where the tears fell on the ground , flowers sprang up .
11 Lord Denning M.R. stated that where there was no legitimate expectation of being heard there was no requirement for a hearing .
12 Lord Goff stated that where the unconsciousness was temporary , the doctor may not proceed contrary to the stated interests of the patient , provided the patient was rationally capable of forming such a wish .
13 Clarification was also given in relation to sub-sale arrangements where A sells land to B who in turn sells it to C with the transfer of title being completed by a single conveyance from A to C. The Stamp Office confirmed that where s 58(4) , Stamp Act 1891 applies , such that duty is payable only on the consideration paid by C , only that amount will be VAT-inclusive .
14 The statute enacted that where A was seised ( i.e. possessed ) of a freehold interest in land , to the passive use that he allow B to enjoy the land , B 's equitable interest should be turned into a legal interest .
15 And the first was made in a decision of the Supreme Court in the case of McCullock versus Maryland in eighteen nineteen just over thirty years after the constitution was drafted and in that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court declared that where the er national government , the federal government , and the state governments appeared to have erm concurrent jurisdiction , that is they both have some say over an area , and there 's a clash between the state government and the national government , that national government 's will prevails .
16 A great crater had been formed , most of it below sea level , and soundings showed that where land had once stood 300 metres above sea level , the water was now 300 metres deep .
17 Alexei guessed that where the supports rose there were the foundations of the buildings above ground .
18 The proposed amendment anticipated that where the buyer does not deal as a consumer , the right to reject for a breach of the statutory implied terms , seen in ss13-15 of SGA 1979 , is limited where " the breach is so slight that it would be unreasonable for [ the buyer ] to reject [ the goods ] " .
19 The relevant passage in the judgment indicated that where a rape was committed by a person who was in a position of trust towards the victim , the starting point for consideration of the appropriate sentence should be eight years .
20 However Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 ( which was not a case between husband and wife ) decided that where there had been no discussion between the parties about their respective beneficial interests , the Court could not infer an intention of equal shares ; the shares were presumed to be in proportion to their respective contributions .
21 ( S. ) 460 , which established that where a juvenile pleaded guilty to an offence for which he could be ordered to be detained under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 , s.53(2) , it was open to the sentencer to impose a term of 12 months detention in a young offender institution , if he considered that apart from the plea of guilty a sentence of detention under section 53(2) would have been warranted .
22 Under this heading one must include a capacity for malevolent violence which , in Duiker 's rather chilling and non-committal words meant that where power was seized , people 's liberation committees were established and ‘ class enemies were punished ’ .
23 He turned and looked back and saw that where the eagles were , especially the central cages where the golden eagles lived , there was chaos .
24 On Sunday , sitting between his father aid mother ii the Unitarian chapel , he only knew that where people were sad and solemn I was overcome , half-suffocated by the sadness aid the solemnity .
25 But he was close about himself : he knew that where two or three are gathered together … what they do n't know , they 'll make up .
26 She knew that where once this would have been a natural remedy for such an upset , she was unsure now how she would respond .
27 As to ( c ) , Tindal C.J. thought that where C refused to deliver up the goods or to answer A's demand , ‘ a jury might be induced to presume a conversion from such silence , or at any rate the owner might in such case enter and take his property subject to the payment of any damage he might commit . ’
28 That tribunal said that where there was uncertainty as to the duration of the stay it was proper to consider the application as if ordinary residence was contemplated .
29 It said that where a dominant enterprise charged prices below the average variable cost , those prices must necessarily be considered predatory , because the enterprise could have no other interest in charging loss-making prices besides the elimination of its competitors .
30 In answer to a Parliamentary Question , he said that where , following a successful challenge in the courts , retrospective legislation is introduced to restore the previous understanding of the law , it has long been the Government 's policy that the successful litigant should not be deprived of the benefit of the court judgment in his favour .
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