Example sentences of "[vb past] for him " in BNC.

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1 They used to talk to him endlessly about it , he said , so he grew up hearing about ‘ this enchanted world ’ which became for him rather like fairy stories for other people .
2 The protection of rights became for him , and for all who thought as he did , the enforcement of ‘ constitutional limitations . ’
3 They say never ask for whom the bell tolls , but when Steven Ivin heard one ring out after the second world war he knew it tolled for him .
4 She would do it if she really cared for him , he believed .
5 So she came back to London and married the man I called my father , but she never really cared for him and she still saw this other man sometimes when he came to London on business .
6 In the same way , they took care to spend no more time together than the daily round of school life made appropriate , but the simple knowledge that there was now one person in the small , enclosed community who cared for him healed Richard 's wounded spirit .
7 She cared for him , probably more than either of us understand .
8 To a romantic affectionate boy such as Rich , watching the wear of work , sensing the tensions of poverty , longing for everything to be given to those who cared for him so much , money could seem the sole solution , the salvation .
9 He might even take against her and she cared for him .
10 I ca n't bring myself to say she does n't care about her father , but she does n't act as if she cared for him very much . "
11 Well as she cared for him , he was quite an embarrassment to his mother , and the less he was evident in her life the better .
12 It also became clear why he 'd wanted to make love to her ; to make her believe he cared , because if she cared for him who better to persuade the colonel to tell his friends on the council to let the plans go through ?
13 Mother cared for him with a gentleness born out of genuine relief at still having him to care for .
14 ‘ He 's old enough to have respect for one who cared for him during his teenage years .
15 All her previous doubts as to whether they were right for each other , whether she cared for him enough , had been answered by her reaction to Michele Lorenzo .
16 Before kiln operator Steve Kelly died at 55 , he asked for help to be given to the team of Macmillan nurses who cared for him in his last months .
17 After the winner I rode for him at York . ’
18 He would chase down green horses and harness-break them , then Mr. Mendez would buy what he wanted and Russell and two White Mountain Apaches who rode for him would deliver the horses to Delgado 's or one of the other relay stations on the way south to Benson .
19 Her first thought was to stop Adam screaming again , and she lunged for him , trying to get her hand over his mouth ; but he was too strong for her .
20 I once specially asked for him to be there and then demanded to know at the rehearsal who was this man sitting with the flutes .
21 Two days before the hearing , she reversed her decision and asked for him back .
22 His mother , unable to find the strength to battle against him , wrote to the school and asked for him to be excused .
23 A week later the labour master was convicted ; he was fined ten shillings and costs , although the solicitor who was defending him asked for him to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment ( in which case , an appeal could have been lodged ) .
24 I was told that the manager had gone to lunch , and when I asked for him to be bleeped I was told again that he had gone to lunch and that he had left his bleep at the switchboard — all in a tone that suggested that this was standard behaviour .
25 That 's right : someone rang up and asked for him the other day .
26 The Führer particularly asked for him . ’
27 That 's why I asked for him rather than his partner who is , so I 've been told , both charming and susceptible . ’
28 An injunction that his feast day is to be observed appears in the legal texts which Wulfstan drafted for him , and if the same clause in surviving copies of Æthelred 's laws is a later interpolation , as Patrick Wormald has contended , then Cnut 's interest in Edward , implied by his apparent gift of relics of this saint to Westminster Abbey , would be all the more striking .
29 Sure enough , he told me that 's what they planned for him .
30 Whenever an opportunity arose for him to spike evidence or arguments favourable to the defence , he did not hesitate to do so , even at one choleric moment telling Nicky not to be stupider than he was ; and his summing-up was a summing-up for the prosecution .
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