Example sentences of "[vb past] of some " in BNC.

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1 yeah , but he was here the other Sunday and he , he , they were , he , he was reading my paper and he come back and he the following Sunday he said you have n't got last Sunday 's paper mum , I said I do n't know I might , oh I think I threw it out , anyway just happened to find it , it was something he read of some woman that were meddling on the pools and the , the , what she 'd used , you know and the
2 He realized that one wall of the pit was convex and made of some hard substance .
3 In an attempt to solve this problem , I have used the experience gained from an analysis I once made of some Playschool programmes on BBC2 , and brought along some assistance , in the form of Big Ted and Little Ted , who will play the two speaker roles , and to whom I shall give an oral and a nasal voice respectively .
4 Mickie told of some problems in helicopters , such as the pull on the blades at the hub of a Bristol-built helicopter in flight was equal to the draw bar pull of three main line locomotives .
5 Though your story told of some doubt about their future together , the happy ending was written in their eyes .
6 Even he , who loved his bed more than anything , joined us to listen to Colonel Stephens , and when news came of some successful advance against the Axis he would burst into wonderful , joyous laughter .
7 On the other they disapproved of some of the impediments which had been erected in the twentieth century : the requirements of a lis inter partes and a superadded duty to act judicially were said to be false constraints .
8 On the scaffold an unrepentant Jarman boasted of some sixty or seventy murders .
9 One ‘ super-colony ’ of interconnected nests , spread over 2.7 square kilometres in Hokkaido , Japan , consisted of some 306m workers and over 1m queens .
10 In 1838–39 , Wolverton Station 's housing consisted of some five streets : Cook , Walker , Garnet , Gas and Bury , plus four villas .
11 The remaining third consisted of some jokes from Zach , a few sentences about animals from George and a patriotic essay from Ginnie about how collecting salvage was helping to win the war .
12 For example , in early investigations , the largest list available consisted of some 5,240 root forms plus their inflections .
13 It was estimated that the yakuza consisted of some 3,300 separate gangs , although the three largest organizations — the Yamagushi-gumi , the Inagawa-kai and the Sumiyoshi-kai — were responsible for almost half of all activity by the gangs .
14 I heard of some .
15 I heard of some spectacular changes in services available to patients in fundholding practices .
16 The younger men amongst the Jews often roared with laughter when the older men , the original immigrants , talked of some experience or incident , for the young bucks were first generation British and educated .
17 We thought of some number divided by one twenty now we want it go back to the number we thought of .
18 ‘ Did n't you say you knew of some Lao restaurants near here ?
19 Charles Lambe claimed that he knew of some Dissenters who " will not touch either Food or Raiment , that was not bought in the Shop of a Fanatick .
20 It professes to offer a rational decision procedure for testing the morality of actions , possessed of some kind of objective status , which means that it is irrational to reject it .
21 She spoke of some of those investments now , in particular some of her land investments in Texas , which her American advisers were counselling her to sell .
22 She had a poise about her that spoke of some sort of inner peace and Jenna 's mind went back to her own mother — the beauty , the restless energy , the quick , sharp voice .
23 I notice in your ’ dedication ’ , you spoke of some external , European friends who assisted you , for the first time , to write , without tears and pain .
24 This is despite Wesley being severely physically handicapped , suspected of some deafness and suffering from dyslexia .
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