Example sentences of "[vb past] why the " in BNC.

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1 Lord Reid identified why the agreement was in restraint of trade .
2 As work continued on building the new Harp Lager Brewery in Alton , the managing director of the company told why the site had been chosen .
3 He also told why the decision was made to take sterling out of the ERM .
4 FRANKIE Dettori showed why the top owners and trainers are beating a path to his door with a brilliant double at Doncaster .
5 IPSWICH Town team manager Mick McGiven said he understood why the fans booed his side off the field after their worst display of the season at Portman Road last night .
6 I understood why the moment Paula introduced him .
7 Duncan understood why the old man felt like that , but he was Duncan 's father and he would always be loyal to him .
8 Drivers collecting bags from the wards were also trained to ensure they understood why the bags colours had changed and were not apprehensive .
9 I understood why the pyramids were so enormous and splendid , of course .
10 For the first time he understood why the Seven were so strong .
11 Rostov understood why the precautions which had been taken to quarantine Tarvaras were so strict .
12 Prince Yuan was a clever one , there was no doubting it , so perhaps he understood why the T'ang had appointed him to oversee the Project rather than someone more sympathetic .
13 But a spokesman said that while the authority had every sympathy for Richard it understood why the school had expelled him .
14 Mrs Bell said the company had received many letters from pensioners who understood why the decision had been made .
15 She had heard about Donna Frizzell 's frightful taste in literature , and , though she was herself a member of the Society for the Preservation of Morals and knew why the books had been purchased , she saw no reason to save her neighbour any humiliation , and had expressed suitably shocked surprise .
16 But he knew why the moment he entered the old schoolroom , for after allowing him to pass her she closed the door and stood with her back to it , her pale face , now tinged to a deep red , thrust out towards him as she cried , ‘ Think you 're smart , do n't you ?
17 She had a sneaking suspicion that she knew why the men had not given up their seats .
18 I looked over his shoulder and saw Fra Angelico 's famous ‘ Annunciation ’ ; and at once knew why the colonnade outside had seemed so familiar .
19 Now he knew why the lights were out .
20 The BMA 's Scottish secretary , Dr Vivienne Nathanson , questioned why the drive to improve health appeared to be stopping at Hadrian 's Wall .
21 The Jewish sages discussed why the Almighty talked to Moses from a burning bush .
22 Then she looked around her at the other smiling faces , and remembered why the policemen were there .
23 He felt for the bedside table with his left hand , remembered why the right one was all bandaged up , and switched on the light .
24 And almost at the same moment she remembered why the name ‘ Luke Hunter ’ was so familiar .
25 Then she realised why the meeting had dragged on , when the matter under discussion could have been finalised in ten minutes : it was the morning 's work .
26 ‘ It was n't until we noticed the absence of female customers , the dim red lights , and the photos of naked women on the walls that we realised why the ‘ barmaids ’ were laughing at us . ’
27 Mr Kaufman asked why the operation had been carried out ‘ under the veil of a news blackout .
28 His colleague , Lord Beloff , asked why the Government had brought forward a bill without support in either House for a scheme the vice-chancellors had repeatedly told them was impossible .
29 He asked why the parish council were so against the signs ‘ Do the parish have an official policy , because if they do , they should think again about the effect it has on the village . ’
30 In her letter to BR Mrs. Buttigieg asked why the registration number of her car was not checked out against the season ticket holders ' records .
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