Example sentences of "[vb past] under [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In the seven major countries the only periods of majority left governments between 1950 and 1973 were those of Wilson in the United Kingdom ( 1964–70 ) and Brandt in Germany ( 1970–3 ) , yet spending on welfare rose under Macmillan , Adenauer , de Gaulle , under both Nixon and Kennedy , as well as under a succession of Italian and to some extent even Japanese prime ministers of the right .
2 Employed first by Edward III , he rose under Edward the Black Prince [ q.v. ] , and became his secretary in 1375 and an executor of his will in 1376 .
3 Customs duties rose under Mary and landed income fell in real terms : by 1603 the two were nearly level , as they had been in 1509 .
4 Dr. Dey trained under Sir John Weir and Dr. Foubister at The Royal London Homœopathic Hospital .
5 In his first spell with the Palace , Steve matured under Dick Graham , Arthur Rowe and Bert Head and quickly became an important part of Palace 's sides in the late 1960s , when his talented inside-forward or midfield displays were one of the hallmarks of Palace performances .
6 Ask voters to say what comes to mind when they think of the Labour Party and a large proportion mention , ‘ the unions ’ , ‘ strikes ’ , ‘ the winter of discontent ’ , and ‘ the three-day week ’ , even though this last event occurred under Mr Heath .
7 Dramatic changes occurred under Gorbachev , who was anxious that genuine discussion of public issues should take place in the Soviet Union .
8 He almost , in a flutter of panic — the strange reaction down below , the street now black with people — fled under Meg 's bed himself .
9 He turned his horse and drove under St John 's Gate , anxious with the keenness of youth to see if there was anything he could do , but it was obvious from the start that the poor man was beyond all earthly help .
10 Hungary first came under Habsburg rule in 1437 , when Albrecht II of Austria was nominated by the Holy Roman Emperor , Sigismund , to succeed him .
11 As more of Croatia-Slavonia came under Habsburg control , the old links between the Croat and Hungarian nobility were re-established .
12 Those lucky teachers who came under Basil 's guidance were helped to be more creative themselves and to bring out creativity in their children with the amazing results which we saw in the West Riding schools .
13 Later ex-Croydon staff found to their cost that if they accepted promotion , they then came under London Transport conditions , which followed closely UndergrounD Group practices .
14 A German colony from 1884 , the territory came under South African rule in 1915 , and in 1920 a League of Nations mandate provided for a further period of South African administration .
15 Fontanellato bicycles came under Nummer 1230–9 .
16 Until the Netherlands came under Napoleon 's rule , many of the inhabitants had managed perfectly well without surnames .
17 He succumbed finally to the two-pronged attack of the papacy and the anti-imperialists , but a number of districts of Ancona never came under Innocent .
18 and from there er Mr was the er housing manager then from Epping , we came under Epping did n't we ?
19 But at least they did n't need to worry about any area that came under Michael Stein 's remit .
20 Ironically , the most successful and varied stage of Hardy 's architectural career came under Crickmay between 1869 and 1872 , despite the fact that by this time he was working on a freelance basis while writing his first novels .
21 Since Canterbury was still vacant , he was consecrated by the archbishop of York , but this was an accident : all his successors came under Canterbury .
22 As a result , the journal came under Crookes ' complete control , and in 1870 he published in it the first of a series of four papers on spiritualism .
23 The second work is by Christen Kobke who studied under Eckersberg in the 1820s .
24 Murchison recognized the boy 's ability , arranged for his entry to the Royal School of Mines , where he studied under Thomas Huxley and ( Sir ) Andrew Ramsay [ qq.v. ] , and in 1862 recruited him to the Geological Survey of Scotland .
25 Michel Foucault ( 1926–1994 ) , who studied under Althusser , took the step his teacher never did and distanced himself from Marxism while remaining politically radical .
26 In Dublin he studied under G. F. Fitzgerald [ q.v. ] , the mathematical natural philosopher .
27 Since , as will be seen , Molla Fenari had almost certainly gone to Egypt for further study by that date , it follows that if Husameddin is right , it must have been in Amasya that Molla Fenari studied under Cemaleddin Aksarayi .
28 In what follows , the traditional view — that Molla Fenari studied under Cemaleddin Aksarayi in Aksaray in Karamanis accepted , but it may well be that " Amasya " ought to be substituted for " Karaman " in the appropriate contexts .
29 Where and when Fahreddin Acemi studied under Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi is not at all clear .
30 He attended the Federal Polytechnic in Zurich , then he studied under Emil Erlenmeyer in Heidelberg , and finally received a D.Sc .
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