Example sentences of "[vb past] place [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When it was fine the host and his guests went riding , visited places of interest , and walked in the gardens , and when it was wet they played games indoors .
2 When Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visited Place in September 1846 he was too ill to receive them .
3 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
4 The LEA refused to concede , even when the parents made application for judicial review ; but when the application to the court was amended to focus on the legality of the LEA 's admissions procedures and their operation , the authority finally backed down and found places for the children at two schools where non-white pupils were firmly in the minority ( Overthorpe and Thornhill ) .
5 His hands found places on her spine which seemed to hunger for his expert touch .
6 Over the centuries the age of steam gave way to electricity , wooden casks changed places with metal kegs , horse drays yielded to motor lorries , barges to road tankers .
7 It was a good victory for Lancashire , and as a result the two counties changed places in the County Championship .
8 The judge agreed and F and his two brothers changed places in the dock .
9 I interviewed Place in a midget submarine in Portsmouth dockyard similar to the one in which he and two other men had travelled up the long fjord in northern Norway at the head of which Tirpitz lay , cut their way through the nets surrounding her and laid charges beneath her hull which , when they exploded an hour later and Place was a prisoner-of-war on board her , put the ship out of action for six months .
10 After a short distance he swapped places with the woman and drove her and the baby to Winchester .
11 Bridge moved up a place at the weekend to fourth from bottom , without playing a game , as Bedlington had three points deducted for playing an ineligible player , and so swapped places with the Darlington club .
12 Mary Hodgson , 71 , of Sycamore Lodge in Trees Park village took over as matron yesterday , care assistants swapped places with cleaners and a fellow resident became the Queen Mum .
13 And then that one conservative who did go and do it , he swapped places with people who were on the dole , and he went and lived up in Newcastle .
14 A genre that had grown out of the need for sensationalism did seem to be striking chords at a time of economic insecurity when cities seemed places of dislocation and when , if nothing else , there was a curiosity about how law-breakers operated .
15 Parents who requested places on a Kindertransport were warned that orthodox foster homes were not on offer and were asked if they objected to Christian hospitality .
16 Up to the middle of the nineteenth century , water could only be obtained from wells — which frequently also became places of meetings and entertainment , e.g. Sadlers Wells , or by collecting and storing rain water , or it could be purchased from water vendors , at three pailsful for a penny .
17 You given place in Switzerland they think it 's quite
18 Family solicitor John Moir talking to the media after a hearing of Orkney Children 's Panel confirmed Place of Safety orders on the nine children .
19 The government 's response was a plan to replace the baccalauréat system , which guaranteed places to those obtaining certain qualifications , with one of competitive selection .
20 The twentieth century has its own Christian martyrs : St Maximilian Kolbe , who exchanged places with a condemned Jew in the concentration camp and was starved along with his fellow prisoners , before being fatally injected with carbolic acid ; Dietrich Bonhoeffer , a minister of the Confessing Church of Germany , who was executed by the Nazis ; and Archbishop Romero , gunned down when he was at a prayer meeting .
21 They enjoyed the greetings of people in the street and they loved places of honour at banquets .
22 These two documents named places over a very wide area of Italy ( the duchy of Rome , Tuscany , the Campagna , the Ravenna exarchate , Pentapolis , Sabina ) rather than defined frontiers .
23 This took place amid rumours of a split within the NEC over support for a common age of consent , and was widely seen as a response to tabloid hysteria on such matters .
24 The Council 's composition was announced on March 24-25 , and its first session took place amid saturation Soviet media coverage on March 28 .
25 The 20th anniversary of the launch of charity United Response took place amid much champagne and canapés at the Imperial War Museum , hosted by its president Martyn Lewis ( he of the BBC 's Nine O'Clock News fame ) .
26 " Some discussion took place respecting the provision of Science teaching , but nothing much was done . "
27 Last year more than 1,500 events took place across the country .
28 No tangible improvement in the situation had resulted from a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Senegal and Mauritania in Paris in early January 1990 , and later that month an exchange of heavy artillery fire took place across the Senegal river boundary .
29 Similar protests and sit-ins took place across the country , in at least 12 other cities and towns .
30 This may mean that , though the trade took place across the floor , it had been covertly agreed beforehand .
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