Example sentences of "[vb past] in but " in BNC.

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1 And it just goes on keeps going on another night another nightmare and then back to the interview room again and the tape machine again and more questions about Stromefirry-nofirry and Jersey and flights and that 's when they tell me about the other one that 's when they say oh by the way your best friend Andy is dead blown up in the hotel when it burned down ; probably beaten to death first head stoved in but of course you probably know all that because you did that too , did n't you ?
2 In the third instance the most vital piece of equipment required is a page printer , ideally one with a page description language built in but that 's not completely essential as we 'll see later .
3 At the house he invited Rose in but she refused with the excuse that it was too late .
4 It was in a terrible state when we moved in but we cleaned it up and made it quite homely .
5 Profit takers then moved in but the Hang Seng still closed the morning up 68.76 points at 7,187.72 , comfortably above the previous best set earlier this week .
6 Iain looked up when Andrew came in but quickly returned his attention to the screen when he heard the volley of shots and his lips parted slightly at the crescendo of violence and glamour .
7 She did not rise when they came in but held out her hand as Kate introduced Dalgliesh .
8 It tapped its tail on the floor when I came in but did not get up .
9 She hated having to scan it in reverse rather than just rewind to go back to the same sequence the girl had been watching when she came in but Jezrael had n't thought to check the counter .
10 ‘ I do n't know when this six months idea came in but it 's little enough to show respect for the one that 's gone . ’
11 They came in but did not look at the cups .
12 Nkrumah summoned a constitutional conference with Bourne in attendance ; several organisations joined in but not the NLM and its allies .
13 I mean when , when , when she was home she could have spent the evening with us when all the children were there and joined in but she would n't , she cleared out back and that 's how Julie heard
14 He worked in but he used to go and relieve the sailors and firemen in the steam boats he used to go you know .
15 ‘ No , Delia , you promised , ’ Rosen broke in but he did not know it was an evening of broken promises .
16 The fact that they broke in but did n't take anything , and also that they were obviously professionals , makes me think they were looking for something specific .
17 The court was told the house was unoccupied when the pair broke in but the police received information that a burglary was in progress .
18 it was the secretary on There was only the one secretary in the office when I went in but there are two desks , one on the left and one on the right , and it 's the one at the one on the right .
19 The scoreline perhaps did not reflect the effort which Down put in but Bangor were more clinical in finishing off their moves .
20 One particularly cold winter I gave in but stipulated that I must n't be around when it happened .
21 Official Soviet anti-semitism , which has undoubtedly been observable since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 , must be measured against the rise of popular anti-semitism since political mobilisation ( including that of reactionaries ) became permitted again , not to mention the massacre of Jews on a considerable scale by local elements in the Baltic states and Ukraine , as the Germans marched in but before the systematic German killing of Jews began .
22 and lovely , I just woke up , er a couple of minutes before then the insurance lad come cos when I only , he should of come yesterday and I waited in but I could n't , you know when I opened the door I says I , I he says , you know
23 More bad luck was to follow a minute later ; Steve Jenkins hit a cross shot which Spencer Creedon parried across the six yard box , Kenny Clark followed up and desperately slid in but was denied by the post , and in doing so , dislocated his finger , but was luckily allowed back into the action within minutes following treatment .
24 And I said more or less we stayed in but not a word .
25 New F3000 champion Erik Comas closed in but spun when trying to lap Andrew Gilbert Scott .
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