Example sentences of "[vb past] want she " in BNC.

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1 Even then he 'd wanted her
2 She could n't help but wonder why fate had insisted that these two powerful men should have insisted on using her to gain their own ends — her father for a return to power and motor racing , Ace for sex , because she now realised he 'd wanted her all along .
3 And she knew … she just knew he 'd wanted her , as badly as she 'd wanted him .
4 It was to convince Karen , partly , that she 'd wanted her to come and have a holiday , to see it for herself .
5 ‘ I do not live with you , ’ she snapped , which was , of course , exactly what he 'd wanted her to do , because he began to grin the second the angry disclaimer left her mouth .
6 She 'd fallen desperately in love with a man who was n't in love with her , a man who 'd wanted her because she reminded him of a woman he wanted and could n't have .
7 But he thought a lot of her ; he seemed to want her around .
8 But he did want her to know and to remember .
9 It was clear that she was n't wanted by Charlotte , and if Ernest did want her with them , then that would only make matters worse .
10 He did want her to settle down and find her place now that they were married .
11 True , Bernard did want her to be a housewife and mother but at the same time this was Laura 's interpretation of what he wanted and she believed deeply that it was wrong to challenge a husband 's authority .
12 Glyn did want her .
13 Dear Lord , he did want her !
14 He had n't got where he was in the world without knowing how to get what he wanted , and he appeared to want her .
15 Rachel had wanted her to settle down to something , Rachel had wanted her to get some proper qualifications and chose a career .
16 Rachel had wanted her to settle down to something , Rachel had wanted her to get some proper qualifications and chose a career .
17 She was a year old and her mother had wanted her to be fostered while she got herself sorted out .
18 He had wanted her himself so badly , and when he 'd heard of her wedding he had been insanely jealous .
19 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
20 They had wanted her to follow her brother 's example by becoming a doctor , but Jenny wanted to pursue a career in the theatre .
21 Looking back , it seemed to Freddie that she had simply wanted him and him alone — as he had wanted her .
22 Dewi had wanted her to be independent , to fend for herself when he was no longer there to take care of her , but he could not have known that his death would have come so suddenly , striking him down in the prime of his manhood .
23 Heaven knew why ; and the ridiculous notion crossed her mind that the cup itself had wanted her to .
24 Her father had wanted her to turn out to be something exotic , an actress perhaps , or even , in the camera-obsessed sixties , a model , and he could n't conceal his disappointment at the growth of a big-boned daughter who seemed without ambition .
25 He thought , he had wanted her , Stephanie .
26 Had wanted her since that first day .
27 He had wanted her almost from the first moment , and he had loved her for nearly as long .
28 He had wanted her only for one night .
29 She opened her mouth to speak , but could not force the sounds out , could not manage to say to Rosalba that Tommaso had wanted her to give him a different rendezvous , somewhere where they could be alone .
30 He had always seemed grimly determined never to let her close to him , except physically , and in bed he had wanted her almost too much .
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