Example sentences of "[vb past] now that " in BNC.

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1 Such an uninspiring vista to bring so much heartache , and she found now that the sight of it no longer had the power to hurt her .
2 She noticed now that there was a kind of cupboard in the corner which was likely to contain a washbasin , and a single bed , tucked in with a plaid rug .
3 It seemed now that perhaps " one could go on talking about human needs and problems , teaching and learning about imagination , even if all the books were burnt " .
4 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
5 Ironically it seemed now that flight had placed her in far greater danger than staying put could ever have done .
6 It was n't Rory Adam had set his sights on , it was the nightclub , and it seemed now that his first devious move was already paying dividends in loss of business for Rory .
7 She recalled now that this was the one who had explained to his mother what clandestinely meant , and he , too , was the one who brought in the law when confronted by the policeman .
8 She guessed now that it was the car that had startled the deer .
9 I guessed now that she had met this other man during her widowhood .
10 He acknowledged now that the majority of people , the great brown mass of the fieldworkers , had not even been noticed by the visionary pharaoh he had followed with such devotion , let alone been affected by his thinking .
11 Meg realized now that she had , from the first , been the obvious , the predestined victim .
12 She realized now that she loathed distortion , that she would never lay this ghost because this ghost was real , this ghost was her and this ghost was forever .
13 He realized now that his belief in people was no longer alive … he no longer loved the poor as a revolutionary must love them .
14 He realized now that they were almost on level ground .
15 ‘ Dancing attendance ’ was not one of Nora 's expressions but she realised now that he was gone that she had done precisely that .
16 Tilly realised now that she could never tell her these things , and yet , she knew that the gentle Elizabeth had a right to know .
17 Helen realised now that the sky was overcast not by cloud but by hanging palls of smoke .
18 She realised now that — as always when this dream occurred — she had been crying in her sleep , for her cheeks were wet .
19 He felt now that it was impossible to know other people until one saw how they reacted in extremity or under pressure .
20 The man in the bushes by the gate still worried her but I found it easy to isolate him from our friendship , although she felt now that he was trying to gas her ; the fumes from someone 's central heating outlet , discernible on the otherwise pure air , had inspired and confirmed her in this idea .
21 She felt now that her future was settled : her uncle would soon go away to sea ; Tristram would be freer to be seen in her company and perhaps , if her prayers were answered , they would be able to persuade Aunt Ann to let them be married .
22 In fact he had worried about it so much that he felt now that he had done it all .
23 She understood now that any deal would be no more adequate than baby clothes thrown into the shade of a seagrape tree .
24 She understood now that men could like her and want her as much as Aileen .
25 But even as she chuckled , Phoebe knew now that this was not fair .
26 John Delaney knew now that all along it had been hunting them , that it was still hunting them , waiting for the right moment to pick them off at will , one at a time .
27 Yet she was the only sane grown-up I knew now that I could cross Anwar and Jeeta off my list of normals .
28 And he knew now that he wanted her , wanted her when it was obvious that she did n't want him and would never again risk rejection .
29 And she knew now that this powerlessness was important to him .
30 He knew now that he himself would never have made a flyer .
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