Example sentences of "[vb past] come out " in BNC.

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1 The forty seven year old aircraft failed to come out of a loop during a flying display at Woodford aerodrome near Manchester in June .
2 You got to come out directly .
3 A lot more got to come out yet .
4 He says that they spoke to Mr Morley and he agreed to come out .
5 A young man in a smartly hideous jacket tried to come out while the kids were trying to go in .
6 ‘ I just hope that United come out of it and score bags of goals .
7 ‘ Everything seemed to come out of tins — except the boiled chicken , they could hardly tin that . ’
8 And er anyway we eventually er ah but er the questions used to asked at every meeting , when are we going to come out and er so much so that er they made the secretary who was a J P and a Tory write to the T U C and er say that we prepared to come out when ever they ask us .
9 When at last they began to come out to her in the sun-drenched quadrangle on the Castle 's south side , where she liked to sit , she was patient and cautious .
10 Mutis ' volumes began to come out only in 1954 , which must be some kind of record ; in this case the explanation was the various political vicissitudes of the century and a half following his death .
11 He enjoyed coming out with us last Saturday did n't he ?
12 The snorting grew louder , and as the brute got more and more excited by the nearness of the delicious Little Billy smell , the smoke began coming out faster and faster , whoomph-whoomph , whoomph-whoomph , whoomph-whoomph .
13 It was the time when many stars started to come out of the political closet and openly voiced their support for one candidate or another .
14 Leith started to come out of her shock to realise it just had !
15 Erm they began the union just before I left Bellany and of course it was cried down and erm they had meetings and the lot , and then all the miners were on strike at the time , and er my father and brother were both miners and er my brother was very friendly with Mr and Mr next door and er anyway er we decided to come out on strike for Bellany 's union and of course erm they , the , one , I think it was Mr said Joey he said er did you know we 're out on strike here and my brother said it seemed to be catching does n't it he did n't say he could n't say I worked there you see but erm it , it caused an upset but still up to a point the unions were good because we 're all badly underpaid for what we did , and the hours we worked they would n't tolerate it nowadays , but erm I forget er I joined the union and if you did n't you were a blackleg you know you , they wanted you to join the union from then I 've been in the union all , until I finished work but erm they , they got us our rises and er as I say the , the money was n't er very good and then the union did fight for the rises and they 'd got to pay it or lose all the er employees but erm I was , I was satisfied with without it , I 've been satisfied with my life you know I 've had , there 's been humorous there 's been sad but erm I 'm still able to get around and that 's the main thing .
16 What he really needed to come out of this marriage smelling of roses was a lucky accident .
17 It would give them the push they needed to come out into the open .
18 When they first started coming out of the box they would just sit wherever they happened to land after stretching their wings .
19 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
20 Then all of a sudden these strange people started coming out of record companies who were involved in the video end of it and deciding this is what we should do with that song and sort of you know these were songs that we had planned and recorded and and all of a sudden these people were changing them .
21 We were in Glasgow last weekend , and were quite chuffed when Ewan consented to come out for a walk just with us two , as he clings to Joyce a bit at the moment .
22 A man I knew came out of the block next to mine .
23 Perhaps a bit more than that , the old nineteen thirty three class differentiation documents are reissued and they are reissued together with the supplements which we saw came out in the autumn of nineteen thirty three which and , and those supplements where then extended to allow the middle peasant to er up to twenty five , on some of the readings up to thirty percent , of his income from exploitation .
24 And a lot of the book is concerned with developing this theme , and that I thought came out quite well in the classes , so I wo n't bother to repeat all that , because I thought we did that fairly thoroughly in , in the class .
25 She kept putting the curlers in and i they just kept coming out .
26 ‘ Jill Jones 's album had been on the shelf for so long that when it did come out , it sounded old , ’ she reveals .
27 Eventually , many of the sordid facts did come out , in the public trial of Lieutenant Calley .
28 But you did come out , so I may hope that you can be induced to vary your quiet days with
29 Ten years later , of course , he did come out after a rather agonizing process and he is now a gay activist himself in South London and the Labour Party .
30 In the end they did come out , were pursued to the south-east down the coast of Brittany , and eventually were overtaken in Quiberon Bay .
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