Example sentences of "[vb past] for what " in BNC.

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1 Usually they find new energy to surge to the plaudits at the Ibis club just beyond the finish ; it is the defeated who drift around deflated for what seems an age .
2 There was no menu ; you simply asked for what you wanted .
3 If they were assertive and asked for what they wanted rather than ‘ manipulated ’ , they would in many cases be more successful .
4 I was a street-woman , I asked for what he suggested .
5 The car skidded for what seemed like an eternity and the lady driver coming the other way did her best to stop , but we collided head on .
6 I began to cycle through the water and headed for what I thought was the bridge .
7 During my undergraduate studies , I had become particularly interested in the linguistic parts of the syllabus , and I opted for what was then called ‘ Syllabus B ’ — a set of courses which contained a large amount of language work , more historical than contemporary .
8 Speaking at a rally on Wednesday night he appealed for what he called a political ‘ big bang ’ after next month 's parliamentary elections , in which the Socialists are expected to lose heavily .
9 He was quick off his line , came for what crosses there were .
10 The band came for what seemed like a Royal visit to the EMI CD plant at Swindon , to see their song become the 100 000 000th disc to be produced there .
11 Giving him a mutinous look , she defended for what felt like the fortieth time , ‘ I did n't know about the baby ! ’
12 I could n't put a name on her treatment of me , no word existed for what she was trying to do , but I knew I was being manipulated under the guise of deference and consideration .
13 Jinny hunted for what she wanted to say and then let it out in a rush .
14 It also campaigned for what later became a symbolic division between ‘ extreme ’ and ‘ mainstream ’ unionists : the right to hold parades and marches .
15 I worked for what INCUBUS called the Profiles — Psychological Research Division .
16 It seemed easier to do right by a people who wanted nothing than by peoples who clamoured for what you were not at all sure you wanted to give them .
17 In September 1926 he settled for what appeared to be the only remaining solution : escapism .
18 The blow caught him off-balance and he teetered for what seemed an age to the watchers , before falling into the rushing water with a hoarse scream .
19 ‘ Ask Clive , ’ Polly repeated for what felt like the hundredth time .
20 Breathlessly she watched for what the moving flags would say next .
21 At root you went for what was good for you — why deny it ?
22 " But at least he died for what he believed in ! "
23 What impresses me is that when the causes of this ancient conflict have been forgotten , except by those who have made a study of it , this monument remains , crudely chiselled and doubtless seldom visited , testament to three modest souls who died for what they believed in and who are otherwise lost to history .
24 And I apologized for what I 'd done , sold the firewood , took 'em home again .
25 Like Henry James , she found the tiny ‘ germ ’ in a happening , and then had to create people to bring it about ; unlike Turgenev , who began with creating people , and then watched and listened for what they would do or say .
26 The father is known only to myself and the computer , and none of the young men who cooperated in giving us specimens of their sperm knew for what purpose it was given .
27 The people who voted for what are called ‘ extremist ’ and ‘ fascist ’ parties in France and Germany seem to have mostly done so , however mistakenly , for one reason only : fear that the stability of their countries is threatened by unassimilable immigrants and bogus ‘ asylum-seekers ’ .
28 But then he stopped , with his hand still on the door handle , and hesitated for what seemed an age .
29 and I said and I was hesitating and I said I 'm sorry I said I feel a bit embarrassed he said for what reason and old Rose was with me well at door she said she knows me she said well she said if it will interest you what if I never .
30 His steady regard continued for what seemed like an eternity , and she thought there was a little flash of amusement in his eyes , but then he gave a tiny dip of his head , and she was no longer sure .
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