Example sentences of "[vb past] for his " in BNC.

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1 Ropati pounced for his 13th try of the season nine minutes later and second rower Sonny Nickle scored in the 79th minute to ensure Saints share the League lead with Wigan .
2 Slaven pounced for his 14th goal of the season , his first since his knee operation , in front of Boro 's jubilant fans .
3 He qualified for his colliery manager 's certificate in 1947 and is one of the longest-serving members of the Institute of Mining Engineers .
4 Scottish rider Niall Mackenzie retired after five laps when his Yamaha developed engine trouble , and mechanical problems also forced out Londoner Peter Graves , who qualified for his first grand prix , and Irishman Eddie Laycock .
5 Meanwhile , Butch Reynolds qualified for his first major international competition since serving a two-year suspension for steroid use at the US world indoor trials in Boston .
6 Sir Anthony 's lips slid over his small teeth in what passed for his public smile , and he accepted , without waiting for their answer .
7 But Paul did n't go home empty-handed , for earlier in the day he won the fours trophy when he led for his father Brian , who had a one-way ticket to next year 's British Isles championships in Ayr with a 27-6 win over the Dunluce four skipped by Malcolm McMullan .
8 But Paul did n't go home empty-handed , for earlier in the day he won the fours trophy when he led for his father Brian , who had a one-way ticket to next year 's British Isles championships in Ayr with a 27–6 win over the Dunluce four skipped by Malcolm McMullan .
9 ‘ Harry agreed for his part , like Ben said .
10 By his romantic rise to fame and fortune and his great philanthropy to those who cared for his mother , James Macrae was a credit to the land of his birth .
11 She refused to let him touch her sexually , but she cared for his appearance , kept him active and stimulated , managed his beer consumption and dealt with all money matters .
12 Not , thought Tim , because she greatly cared for his welfare but because she liked interfering .
13 For , proving that he cared for his family every bit as much as it had seemed , he said , ‘ Hello , Travis , come in .
14 He was the paternal figure , the leader who really cared for his men , who suffered what they suffered .
15 A DEVOTED son who cared for his paralysed father until he died has received a prestigious European Child of Achievement award at a ceremony in France .
16 The Koons work in question is ‘ String of Puppies ’ , which the artist commissioned for his 1988 ‘ Banality ’ show at the Sonnabend Gallery , which is named as co-defendant in the suit .
17 He had broken more bones in his body riding horses that anyone she knew , yet he lived for his hunting .
18 For four years , Edouard lived for his work .
19 He lived for his profession , so much so that , instead of limiting himself to examining the remains of bomb-blast victims , he attended the courses and lectures available only to a very few on bomb-making and disarming offered at Fort Halstead .
20 He lived for his reunion with Elizabeth ; all that sustained him until then was the daily letter from his new wife waiting for him in his lodgings .
21 Tony , shy and introverted , lived for his painting , while Zelah seemed to live as she wrote , with an engaging panache .
22 I froze when they first said that in the town where we lived for his firm job .
23 Doughboy … a giant of man who did n't drink or smoke and just lived for his studies , and his rowing .
24 Mm , cos mum had Reverend come round , you see cos dad were n't , none of us were religious least of all dad , he could n't do none of it , so we said to , we did n't , we did n't know what vicar to choose cos none of us go to church so me mum said dad used to go to the church where me sister got married to the little Derby and Jones twice a week and Reverend is always there so mum said we 'll have him , dad got on well with him , he liked him , he knew dad , anyway he come round to see mum and I were n't there cos I had to go and sign on , I bloody wished I had been , anyway she said , she told him all about dad and she said I want you tell everybody how brave he was in the war and what a good father he were and a good provider and how he lived for his grandchildren and so on and so on , she said I do n't want no hymns I just want his own organ music all through the service and nothing else and just some , do a couple of prayers , she , so he said right the Lords Prayer will be fine that 'll be nice , well he never said nothing , he said I did n't know John but he said I 've been told he was a good man , he worked in a hospital , which he did , but I mean you 're only like an engineer we were n't really emphasising on that and that was all he said , he played a bit of the organ music before we went in , a bit as we come out and there was about eight bloody prayers and the songs and everything read out and made us sing a hymn ever so disappointed , hardly said anything , hardly play , played his music , no , I was well disappointed about that
25 Mr Endara was told of the planned attack , and asked for his support , which he apparently granted , saying that he was ready to become the new leader if the US could topple the Noriega regime .
26 The Pope asked for his autograph ; sure , he said , pointing to a picture , by why ai n't Jesus black ?
27 Nigel gave up all belief in things occult after that and asked for his money back .
28 ‘ Because the signal he sent spoke of alleged complicity in murder and rape , and only asked for his whereabouts .
29 At 8.30 p.m. he asked for his lawyer .
30 That would be a severe handicap for a dancer , and while he was having it corrected he asked for his nose to be straightened too .
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