Example sentences of "[vb past] i that " in BNC.

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1 The dank smell of the water was not unpleasant , and for years the scent of la Sologne that enveloped me that night would pierce my memory : a combination of stagnant water , slime , wild mushrooms , wispy dry grasses , sand and well-hung game .
2 He 'd never asked me that before , but in fact my religion had been important to me all along ; he only asked me that day because I had my head covered .
3 ‘ Mrs McDougall asked me that , ’ I said .
4 ‘ Ernest asked me that .
5 ‘ You asked me that .
6 ‘ The police asked me that , too , and honestly , I just ca n't remember .
7 I am so glad that the hon. Member for Derby , North asked me that question —
8 The police asked me that as well .
9 ‘ I 'm glad you asked me that . ’
10 I , he asked me the one , you know , we were on about this morning , the only one we looked at , fifty miles an hour and he asked me that one and I knew it .
11 Erm Anthony Anthony got me that .
12 ‘ She never promised me that first time , so she 's never broken her promise to me yet .
13 ‘ Banyon promised me that , ’ she said .
14 Do n't be daft , I hate 'em I would n't go if he invited me that 's right
15 He advised me that normal meningitis , the kind that affects young kids , is much worse .
16 One of the girls at school assured me that unbaptised infants were sent not to hell , but to limbo .
17 He assured me that , although prone to grazing when young , once the wild gladiolus reached a certain height they were largely ignored .
18 But he told me that , in the eyes of the law , theft is actually a lesser charge than handling stolen goods If there were n't people handling stolen goods then nobody would nick things in the first place .
19 Many other women I spoke to told me that for protection from racial attacks it was essential to have Asian neighbours .
20 Even in the nuclear family , women told me that certain jobs should never be done by a man , they were not Izzat wali kam ( i.e. jobs of honour ) or they were not manly , and predictably these tasks included almost all household chores .
21 They told me that sexual examination is a routine part of the entry certificate procedure at British Diplomatic missions in the Indian subcontinent .
22 As we talked at the reception in the garden behind Downing Street , Patrick told me that , instead of a debate at the Party Conference next month , he and his ministerial team had been asked to answer questions from the floor .
23 ‘ You never told me that , Marie .
24 She told me that .
25 He told me that himself .
26 He told me that . ’
27 Inside , the elderly English upper-class proprietor told me that true Communism only survives in Albania .
28 Yes , he told me that , though I never met Sibelius personally .
29 Drummond once told me that Radio 3 broadcasts to about 30 minority tastes , each of which is characterised by its intense dislike of the other 29 .
30 A former student promoter told me that , when he was unable to pay Dury in cash , ‘ he threatened to have me chain-whipped by one of his companions whom he said had recently been released from prison ’ .
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