Example sentences of "[vb past] on this " in BNC.

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1 Their voices rose on this note from the kitchen to saturate the bedroom above where on summer evenings you lay rigid with wakefulness .
2 She dwelt on this potential disaster so often , and with such emotion , that eventually a freak electrical fault did cause a fire .
3 Klein mused on this .
4 And she capitalized on this , she saw where it could be to her advantage to be perceived as a celluloid creation .
5 They capitalized on this well enough by reaching 252 in their fifty overs , and then took two quick wickets when West Indies batted .
6 Physiologists capitalized on this instrumentation to demonstrate that the electrical activity of the brain and its nerve cells was a function of what the individual was doing , or not doing , or how sensory receptors were stimulated .
7 Medics in particular capitalized on this state of affairs , mobilizing the results of scientific research as part of their broader push for increased representation with the state .
8 Worsley capitalized on this opportunity by making the saltpetre project the centre-piece of a programme for revitalization of the British economy and the development of an integrated manufacturing and trading system embracing an expanding colonial empire .
9 ‘ So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
10 It has successfully developed and operated a port at Sheerness in Kent and drew on this experience in deciding to develop a commercial port in the easternmost portion of the old dockyard .
11 We drew on this analysis to explain the performances of HWIM and HARPY .
12 Lt Col W Yolland reported on this request to the Board of Trade , for which he was an Inspector of Railways , on 25th December 1865 .
13 Can I ask you Mr we we reported on this programme yesterday morning that an official from the Inspectorate of Pollution had expressed worries that the scheme could cause more pollution .
14 My phone number is not the one listed on this article as I may have moved to a new address by the time you read this .
15 But he was completely unsure how matter could affect mind , and Berkeley fastened on this .
16 Quinn built on this basic theme in a detailed case study ( 1980 ) of nine large companies , most with headquarters in the United States , but including also a British company and a Swedish company .
17 The only wheel I found on this trip is still very much in business , grinding corn on two pairs of stones .
18 She concentrated on this problem so that she did not have to imagine the people themselves .
19 He believed on this sad day that feeling of reconciliation was a reason for hope .
20 It seemed on this occasion she had met her match .
21 Beware of becoming so fixated on this one position that you acquire a mental block against progressing further .
22 While they often helped me to gain a perspective on , and strength for , what I was doing , the one I played on this particular night enhanced my self-pity .
23 So I played on this really , really heavy cut by Michael Bolton — it was really rockin' and it was really cool .
24 I was thought of as rather gallant and dashing , and I played on this for a long time , emphasizing the cruelty and hardship aspects of the camp , and skating over the boredom and hunger , which were what I chiefly remembered .
25 I believe especially I never came on this campaign until after I went to see Arafat .
26 So you knew how to carry out a literature search before you came on this course ?
27 We came on this trip to take back children .
28 Cecil 's colt 's success at the highest level came on this very course in last season 's Racing Post Trophy .
29 They went a little while ago , apart from that they never came on this end
30 These are just a few of the very many amusing , illuminating and thoughtful letters we received on this subject .
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