Example sentences of "[vb past] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 His abuse beat in her face like rain so heavy that it forced shut her eyes .
2 He had walked along this track with Sandy , arm in arm , and as the wind beat in his face he recalled the weather had been similar .
3 You could see the pulse beat in his neck .
4 The two Highlanders grinned as if they understood every word , Carey smirked whilst Scawsby gave that neighing laugh which made the blood beat in my temples .
5 Given that these ‘ older ’ users are more likely to have worked and to inject heroin , rather than smoke it , the sample is skewed away from the archetypal ‘ young unemployed heroin chaser ’ profiled in our prevalence surveys .
6 The recent publication of all known speeches and writings of Hitler between 1919 and 1924 provides for the first time an opportunity to observe the self-image profiled in his public statements .
7 Chairs decorously ranged in their places , the white cloth gone .
8 Very similar to the example that Bill provided in his hand outs .
9 Shrivelled in their pots .
10 The steering-wheel juddered in his hands .
11 The other ships of the Royal Navy which Mitchell listed in his record of service were the Hector ( 74 guns ) , which he joined , again as an able seaman , on 31 July 1777 .
12 Returning to Falmouth Street in his new acquisition — and already encountering some resistance to engaging first gear — Harry listed in his mind the excellent reasons for buying a car .
13 The gun bounced in his grasp as incandescent energy leapt to evaporate a stretch of that many-times-severed , yet still tenacious limb .
14 They will all be wined and dined in our private box .
15 Inside the confines of the car the atmosphere pulsed to the same demented rhythm that thrummed in her veins .
16 The roar of the patrol boat 's huge petrol engines thrummed in his ears and he glanced back over his shoulder .
17 All pupils had seen Prestel demonstrated in their information skills course .
18 Similarly some measure of Pakistan 's eventual triumph was due to Imran Khan 's unconventional tactics and the confidence which he demonstrated in his leg-spinner Mushtaq Ahmed by slotting him into his team 's battle plan at an early stage of proceedings .
19 Edward Jenner was himself a keen inoculator , but he was impressed by the apparently safer prophylactic effects of the mild natural disease of cowpox ; a zoonosis often caught by milkmaids which apparently protected them from smallpox , as he demonstrated in his paper of 1798 .
20 As we demonstrated in our previous book , moreover , the wedding at Cana — which may in fact have been Jesus 's own wedding — was not a modest village affair , but a sumptuous ceremony of the gentry or aristocracy .
21 While the Jews of Israel exulted in their renaissance , the Arabs of Palestine left in despair .
22 He would return to her , to beg her pardon for so basely misjudging her , and they would find again the former ease of friendship , the lack of which now gaped in her life like an open wound .
23 Anthony Pedley as the dream-blowing BFG ( Big Friendly Giant ) , excelled in his whizzpopping jumps : they were so funny .
24 Leila drew in her breath .
25 Sarah hesitated , then drew in her breath and followed .
26 She drew in her breath at the simplicity of it , wondering why she had n't thought of it before , and it excited her so much she put forward the suggestion without stopping to think if it was wise .
27 Mrs Frizzell hastily drew in her stomach , tucked in her tail , and posed with her rake , just as she had seen the Hudson 's Bay Company model do when showing pants .
28 She now pushed out her chest , drew in her chin , looked at Mick while thumbing towards Joe and said , ‘ He expects his dinner !
29 The profit margin on one sheet was much lower than the other and Emily drew in her breath sharply .
30 Gran drew in her breath .
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