Example sentences of "[vb past] and her " in BNC.

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1 She did not reflect that only a few weeks ago she would have thought it impossible that she could have lived the life of a servant , let alone bear eating and drinking in the den in which Rose and her ma lived , but she did know one thing — she would never take her comfortable life for granted again .
2 Right , the problem is that I ca n't seem to get through on the telephone , I phoned and her secretary came back and said you 've to phone and she gave me a guy 's name like and I got a number for him so I phoned it , ah he works in our Edinburgh office I phoned the Edinburgh office .
3 Her lower lip trembled and her eyes blurred .
4 It seemed to fill her plumage with its cold light as her body shivered for a moment , her head trembled and her eyes , which had been half closed , slowly opened .
5 Theda 's lip trembled and her eyes darkened , while the amusement drained out of her face .
6 Her voice trembled and her whole body stiffened as she stared at Robert incredulously .
7 Her shoulders sagged and her voice deflated .
8 ‘ Fancy reading somebody 's letter and then — ’ She stopped and her eyes grew round with surprise .
9 ‘ I 'll buy some off you , ’ Carol exhaled and her head disappeared in the cloud .
10 Interestingly enough , the researchers did notice a link between the foods the mother ate and her baby 's symptoms .
11 June 's having noticed him when they first met and her ability to put things into words now became unbearable to Robert .
12 They had met just three months ago , yet now it seemed that the whole of her life had been crammed into those few fleeting weeks ; as if her living had had no meaning before they met and her future would have no substance if ever he left her .
13 If she is very apprehensive about how she is going to manage her role in society as a woman on her own , you could remind her of something she has probably completely forgotten : that she coped with life quite adequately as a single woman , before she met her husband , so there is no reason to suppose that she can not do so again , and possibly even better now because of the love they shared and her greater maturity .
14 She was half way up Stanley Street before she recovered and her heart stopped sinking in her breast .
15 Her legs quivered and her chest heaved as she struggled to control her breathing .
16 Nan 's pretty face crinkled and her eyes were moist as she said , ‘ Oh , ta , miss .
17 She had a bad cold and he 'd dressed her in layers of clothes so that her coat buttons bulged and her boots were tight and hot .
18 So she gazed and her finger traced the outlines of nymphs — thinner , higher cheek-boned than she could ever hope to be , garlanded with flowers , stepping barefoot through the forest ; and sometimes she saw an exhausted Venus , a hand below her belly , lying in a countryside where oxen were driven and ships set sail on uncharted seas .
19 Her skin tingled and her heart thumped wildly as he moved closer .
20 Ruth paled and her heart seemed to miss several beats as she glanced past Steve again .
21 Her arms shook and her legs shook .
22 She yawned and her long brown hair fell over her face as she stretched her arms out .
23 As he looked up , Elizabeth sighed and her eyes opened .
24 When Alice took out the apricot chiffon with the silver beads , she even sighed and her tongue , which was large and pale , slid over her lips .
25 She sighed and her head fell back as his lips found the pulse-beat in the hollow of her throat .
26 Milton ‘ Where Old Old Cham , whom gentiles Annan call and Libian Jove , hid and her florid son , young Bacchus from his stepday Maria 's eye , nor where abasin kings there issue guard Mount Amara , though this by some suppose true paradise under the Ethiope line by head enclosed with shining rock a whole day 's journey high , but wide remote from this Asyrian garden where the fiend saw undelighted or delight . ’
27 Her eyes shone and her chest rose and fell quickly .
28 Her aunt nodded and her eyes strangely spilled over with quick tears .
29 She nodded and her alert hazel eyes flickered around the room , taking everyone in .
30 Thankfully they both nodded and her papa said gently , ‘ Yes , but , Daughter , why did you need to disappear ? ’
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