Example sentences of "[vb past] be and " in BNC.

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1 We want to know the lot , where you 'd been and what time you left him . ’
2 I 'm sure you did n't order Lee and his men to find out where I 'd been and who I had seen .
3 When I got home I told everybody where I 'd been and what I 'd done : my 63-year-old father , my three sisters , my nephews , my friends , the men and women in my local pub and my colleagues at the bank .
4 I 'd been to work all day and I 'd been and been running sheets off all night .
5 They 'd never know that we 'd been and gone .
6 Now he 'd been and gone and done it .
7 If she could only remember where she 'd been and how much she 's enjoying it while she 's actually doing it .
8 Did we talk about where we 'd been and what we 'd done , what we 'd seen and what had happened ?
9 They 'd been and looked at a few and there ,
10 No what he what he did is and he
11 She gave him a little push and , in a daze , he followed Dorothy and one or two of the others up the stairs to the room that had been and still seemed to be Bunty 's .
12 Yes , Dragonfly Moonchild she had been and loved the summer-child in her .
13 Under Rachel 's serene autocracy the firemen agreed that there was nothing much to be done now , that the house seemed safe enough but they should not use the attic until someone ‘ from the department ’ had been and inspected it the next day .
14 Although you always came to me brimming with news of where you had been and what you had done , I do not think you told me everything .
15 It is only against this background that one can begin now to understand the behaviour of Hollywood and Broadway , of the star names who confessed so eagerly and abjectly to their previous sins and were meat and drink to the H.U.A.C. Like reformed alcoholics , they could not wait to let the world know how misguided they had been and who had led them astray .
16 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
17 By 1815 , a brief postwar upsurge in trade had been and gone and in the same year they went bankrupt .
18 The first yard took all the effort I could manage , creeping a toe 's length at a time , my rubber soles slipping on the loose stones , as the wheelbarrow pushed me back to where I had been and we fell over .
19 When the paper was removed it lifted up the wax-ground where the pencil had been and exposed the metal .
20 They told what an excellent trip it had been and how they had sat on a platform in the sunshine halfway across to eat their sandwiches with not another boat in sight .
21 It seemed that they should stop and follow the sight of the two young boys , but it was too late they had been and they had gone and now only a disturbance was left behind .
22 Death had been and gone , but it was still in the air , like static .
23 Anna was full of prattle about where she had been and what she had done .
24 Later an information board of triangular section was fixed under the canopy , where the destination box had been and the mirror for viewing the interior of the car fixed on a bracket behind it .
25 Dad was told how naughty James had been and then shouted at him and sent him to the bedroom .
26 Once his mother realized that he had these additional problems she was able to understand how frustrated he had been and also how irritable she had been when he did not respond to her .
27 When he finally left the bikes , he ambled down to the stream just where we had been and sat in the water to cool off .
28 My friend wanted to encourage them to come back , so we put the bales back where they had been and cut a suitable owl-sized hole in the wall .
29 Beneath my feet and beside me to my right , were the sheer pale grey rocks that were the andesitic relics of all the ancient turbulence and torture which had been and was still being caused by the plates ' gentle , turgid but quite inevitable meeting .
30 Great though improvements in European agriculture had been and were to be , it was industry which gave Europe world leadership , as it was later to give it to the United States .
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