Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They claimed Robert Shaw , 56 , had been an election worker for the Irish Republican Army 's political wing , Sinn Fein , but the party said that was not true and branded the killing sectarian murder .
2 ‘ I used to have to get out of bed to cry every night and was in an awful way when I passed the Droppin' Well .
3 Jotan glanced back once , and then he applied the goad energetically to the p'tar 's hind quarters .
4 But all the while I was led to believe by this statement another thing is that the day that made the made the appointment for me to appear , sorry are you reading ?
5 This in turn made the looking harder , but eased the pressure to accept the first thing that came along .
6 The chapel went back to the thirteenth century ; in the Restoration of Charles II Archbishop Frewen gave the house a façade to the river and built a magnificent dining room ; and during the eighteenth century Archbishop Drummond added a Gothic gatehouse and made the surround a charming bit of eighteenth-century Gothic .
7 Boardwalk bounded along with more enthusiasm than grace at the head of the second group while two horses , including the favourite , made the running some three lengths clear of her .
8 It had , he said , been an uphill struggle for , though he was swinging well , he kept being a ‘ yard out ’ with his shots to the green and that made the putting very difficult .
9 It was a mistake : the fine , white sand collapsed away from under his feet and made the going difficult .
10 We all spurred and whipped as we reached the bottom of the hill to keep up pace for the snow underfoot made the going heavy , when both Bowyer 's horse and that of Southgate suddenly took on a life of their own .
11 Boat-haling demanded enormous cooperative effort and trips down the river to London could take anything from nearly two to eight weeks when drought , flood , frost or wind made the going difficult or impossible .
12 But the wind and rain made the going particulary tough .
13 You could barely see the barber jackets for the brollies … torrential rain and wind made the going heavy everywhere at Cheltenham .
14 They became the spearhead of political disaffection which was usually manifested in , the form of strikes .
15 He became the rejecting father who never helped her , while at the same time she asked him to be mother and take over .
16 I am reminded of the ant who asked the centipede in what order he put his feet to the ground .
17 and then only had it four years , but I used to it was , it 's such a waste that washing machine , I think maybe I 've done a few shirts hand washing and all the water , whereas in the twin tub I 'd of done the light weights , heated the water up done the shirts and , erm , got the put in , maybe towels and then I 'd put , re-heat the water if , if it was n't really soiled and I could do either all the dogs stuff or , or my dusters
18 No , you got the lend of the one , he had a lend of the one you give to Nicholas .
19 and as we 're right up towards the end and now after the bank holiday we 've had lovely fine weather anyway , we got off to the main road and turned at Fibwell traffic lights onto the A twenty one and we got the to end of the dual carriageway onto the tail end of the queue as it started into the road works so I just went over the central reservation and went back down the dual carriageway to the traffic lights at
20 Cos you got the have n't they ?
21 Yes , but why they got the to offer it , because we were promised that this , this event would be decreased .
22 Amphion led the ravish 'd Stones
23 The PRI also disputed the splitting in two of the Ministry for Regional Affairs and Institutional Reforms , formerly headed by the pro-PRI Antonio Maccanico .
24 He expanded the revels office , and moved it from Warwick Inn to the dissolved monastery of Blackfriars , where he himself owned a considerable property .
25 Once again she tried the ask , ask and ask again technique , and once again it worked .
26 Some collectors listed the exempted poor in their returns — in which case the names of all the heads of households of a particular parish or township were recorded — but others did not bother to name them .
27 His towering , blank-eyed presence at the head of the table drew the savour from the good food she cooked .
28 These were the writers and newspapermen , paid hacks of the propaganda machine and tools of ‘ Anastasie ’ , the censor , who from their comfortable offices in Paris wrote of the nobility of war in the terms of Déroulède ; of the brave boys dying beautifully pour la Patrie ; who described the piling up of ‘ mounds of German dead ’ at each attack at Verdun , to the accompaniment of ‘ negligible ’ French losses ; and who published photographs of the grands mutilés with such captions as ‘ A Soldier Who Has Lost Both Feet , Yet Walks Fairly Well With Clever Substitutes , ’ or ‘ Who Has Lost Both Hands , Yet Can Handle a Cigarette and Salute as Before . ’
29 ( First Edition ) ‘ MEN and women of metal ( mettle ? ) must come together to cheat the wind , ’ shouted the voiceover on the incomprehensible video , to the accompaniment of crashing cymbals and lurid flashing lights .
30 For who within the service is seeking or is willing to dismantle these units whose power and autonomy has been growing in strides since the Royal Commission of 1960 and the subsequent Police Act of 1964 first created the amalgamated giants ?
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