Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Indeed it was to escape this commotion of the house that young Tennyson sought sanctuary and solitude in the surrounding countryside , where he could be at peace with all he beheld and find the inspiration for his poetic thoughts which he conveyed to us by his pen .
2 The District has always held a special place in history and , more recently , is world famous for its links with Dylan Thomas as a place where he sought sanctuary and derived inspiration to perfect his writings .
3 I produced sketches and a clay model for ideas , but these were eventually only used for reference when working on the sculpture .
4 He got O and he got i
5 As did the House Manager who roamed throughout performances in the foyer or the staircases , the bars of Stalls , Dress Circle and Upper Circle , keeping an eye on programme girls ( most of them certainly mature ) who , in their black dresses and little aprons , ushered , sold programmes and in the intervals brought trays of tea and biscuits ( coffee in the evenings ) , while in the orchestra pit the band ( tuxedoed , although who knew whether their trousers matched ) played pleasing music .
6 It is evident that a relatively small proportion of schools had either chosen or felt able to implement the ISS recommended curriculum and that most schools were not following a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils .
7 As at 30 September 1991 , the latest date for which figures are available , 9,966 Ministry of Defence owned houses and flats were vacant of which 9,834 were service married quarters .
8 and erm we u had a boat on the Nile and the police came with us on camels and another barge with the servants and er so on the way er we made marmalade and all sorts of things to fill in time .
9 So er and ripped off some letters blah blah blah , so that 's ongoing , you know it 's going to be replaced and the er people who did it admitted liability and so forth .
10 The passage goes on to say that the Hart-Leap Well experience made William and Dorothy feel that their decision to settle at Grasmere was justified .
11 Mr Fallon met Jonquil and other young voters including youngsters who took part in a mock-election at Hummersknot School at his Grange Road headquarters .
12 Cinema audiences in the 1920s expected better and better things and cinema-going became part and parcel of their social betterment .
13 SORAFOM became OCORA and provided technical assistance to Francophone stations , for which it long remained a major source of material .
14 A Roman shoe has been reconstructed by drawing and studying the surviving piece of leather ( right ) , often using a microscope , which showed that the leather had finely stamped and tooled patterns and was also gilded .
15 TWO men who braved flames and choking smoke to rescue a Motherwell couple from their blazing home were yesterday given Firemaster 's Commendations for ‘ courageous and unselfish actions ’ by Strathclyde Fire Brigade .
16 They passed houses and fields and a number of prettified pubs , all showing that the influence of the Scarabae had been left behind .
17 We knocked on doors and got signatures and erm .
18 The flocks of sheep which grazed in the pastures near the villa were similar to the Soay breed — hardy creatures which produced milk and hard-wearing wool .
19 Mr Shove joined the company in 1937 and eventually became chairman and managing director .
20 Peter Brooke ( who had opened the London office ) became Chairman and Jean Michel Beigbeder ( then manager of the Paris office ) became Chief Executive .
21 He became chairman and c.e.o .
22 Already colour and form were coming together , but the drawing lacked contrast and required sharpening up .
23 The solicitor made notes and promised to do all that he could to help if contacted .
24 He made notes and said that if he had a key to the house he 'd be able to plan what was needed in a shorter time .
25 In the early 1970s this led Weiskrantz and Warrington ( see Parkin 1987 ) to argue that the human deficit was not a failure of memory as such but a deficit in retrieval brought about by undue interference from incorrect items at the time of recall .
26 Mr Duncan took me to the farm and I met Dan and Stella Parks .
27 She had discussed it with her family ; hugged Lisa and Sue , kissed Jim , left home , and taken the tube to Acton where she stuck out her thumb on the edge of the A40 on a smiling spring day and gone home .
28 It followed a day of incidents yesterday when people in the Breton ports of Concarneau and Roscoff staged protest marches , attacked warehouses and forced a British cargo ferry carrying lorries loaded with fish to switch ports .
29 He says the men got out , produced firearms and went to a picnic area .
30 Anti-Western and anti-Israeli feeling in Jordan , illustrated by large-scale demonstrations against the military attacks on Iraq , led Germany and France to advise their remaining citizens to leave the country .
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