Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] just " in BNC.

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1 That particular stretch of the motorway is in is very very busy , where he stopped was just round a fairly blind right hand bend and traffic was approaching that at their normal lane three speed , and they were faced with a stationery vehicle .
2 Er er do you reckon we ought to have had , you kn you know we went over to gas , I toyed with the idea of fetching that do you know , you know when this house were built we went looking at a depot where they 've got all these grates and I took th funnily enough I took the measurements of the breast and er the only one we found was just that dead on look , right across
3 After all that , she 'd been just ‘ Madam ’ for a while , which might have indicated that she was getting older or grander , except that she always looked just the same , never any older .
4 Anyway , getting back to my sister , she seemed to expect me to side with her when she 'd been just the opposite with me when I 'd wanted to paint , and I 'm afraid harsh words were spoken all round .
5 He could n't pretend there 'd been just the two of them . ’
6 From nothing : in 1850 he 'd been just one of the hands at Wm Paul 's Tannery in Kirkstall Road .
7 And yet there was the suggestion that he 'd been just a little unlucky , perhaps ?
8 And there would be a funeral when the boat came and I mean when the boat came is just when the boat came .
9 Everything that happened was just too pat , too convenient .
10 The changes imposed were just about as much as the Services could take at that time without loss of morale and fighting efficiency .
11 Getting out his old university textbook on mechanics he succeeded in showing that the behaviour observed was just what would be the case if all the positive charge were concentrated in a point-like object at the centre of the atom .
12 She was tired of kneeling , listening to their voices droning on : ‘ Our Father who art in heaven , hallowed be Thy name ’ , and ‘ Hail Mary , full of grace ’ , which was all she could make out of the second bit , because what followed was just a mumble .
13 The sum raised was just over £1,038 and brought the total for the Railway Hotel since 1982 to over £5,000 .
14 The familiar Twelfth Night everyone knew and loved was just that along with a fine performance by the English Shakespeare Company .
15 What she needed was just one person , one wise and sympathetic grown-up who could help her to understand the meaning of this extraordinary happening .
16 My step brother , Tommy , do you know the original well Mr was a sales rep for Bokes couriers , and er his wife used to make pickles , homemade , and she us Mr used to give his friends a jar of pickles occasionally and er from that the idea of selling them , cos it ou after they 'd started distributing amongst his friends he got the idea that there was a market for it , so my step-brother Tommy er started to work with Mrs we used to call them Mrs but her name was , Street you know where Street is , well on the left hand side of Street about oh at the back of the first row of houses in Street , there was a , a small open space and Mr had a big shed put there , and er started buying the pickling onions and er all the women who wished to started skinning onions at so much a bag for Mr and er he 'd gradually built himself up but me step- brother Tommy was er working full time helping Mrs to pick the onions and , and that , that 's how Mac 's Pickles started was just from a mere fact of him being a commercial traveller and he 'd di distribute them to his friends and created the , a market for himself really ac actually they , they , they did have a van driver and a van , a van to deliver them as they gradually increased the supply and they used to deliver them all , all around the area .
17 A few yards up the hill , on my left , was a turning which at first I thought was just the entrance to a field .
18 Edith arrived one evening at a local hotel for what she thought was just a companiable dinner party amongst friends in very pleasant surroundings .
19 Contingency is , I thought was just sort of between here and the airport
20 ‘ If you do n't ask him with 100 percent commitment and effort he wo n't do it , yet the feeling I got when it suddenly clicked was just amazing ! ’
21 The fact that Branson had not a clue what ‘ synergy ’ meant was just one sign that he found the understanding between them somewhat less than ‘ magical ’ .
22 The first numbers we got were just counting numbers .
23 He says all they did was just put it in for storage and then wait for the police to call but the first he heard was on Monday .
24 blood enough goes over my fingers cut his thumb and and all he did was just sort of bathed it put on it .
25 Mm , you can do it so , the worst one I ever did was just filling a kettle of water and turning round to put it on the , on the cooker .
26 The girl who answered was just that — hardly more than a girl .
27 Newspaper journalists came up with the information that the pachinko barons had been just as liberal with their cash as the Recruit corporation had been with political donations and cheap shares not long before .
28 At first , like her many other activities , the home maintenance course at the Adult Education Centre had been just a desperate device to take her away from the boredom of George .
29 It was the third time in eight games that the margin of victory had been just two runs .
30 She had always been surrounded by people — and was still haunted by memories and bad dreams — but essentially had been just as solitary .
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