Example sentences of "[coord] says that " in BNC.

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1 One can compare the passage just quoted , which insists on the unknowability of the real world , with some of her subsequent remarks ; as , for instance , when she refers to her argument ‘ that literature represents the myths and imaginary versions of real social relationships ’ , and claims that ‘ a form of criticism which refuses to reproduce the pseudo-knowledge offered by the text provides a real knowledge of the work of literature ’ , or says that ‘ the task of criticism , then , is … to produce a real knowledge of history . ’
2 The Ecology Building Society argues that it is recreating the original grass-roots feel of a membership-owned mutual society , and says that it involves its members closely in the development of new savings accounts .
3 It says ‘ the commission shall , in the case of any nominated news provider , review the performance of that body as a nominated news provider ’ , and says that if the commission is not satisfied with the news coverage other suppliers should be found .
4 It aims to turn the headphones radios and television group into a mini-conglomerate and says that in the five weeks since new board was appointed , ‘ considerable progress has already been made . ’
5 He admires the old classic musicals for their spectacle if not their storyline , and says that Vincente Minelli ‘ had a camera like a hawk after a mouse ’ .
6 Pastor Szalatnay was in Transylvania last month and says that the atmosphere among local Hungarian intellectuals is one of expectation .
7 But the commission does not exclude the possibility of a bail-out , and says that the EC might provide conditional assistance .
8 Indeed , the Christian faith takes very seriously the presence of suffering and says that the life and death of Jesus encourage us to endure .
9 He tells the servants to stay put , and says that he and ‘ the lad ’ will ‘ go yonder and worship ’ , and then return .
10 Based in the South-west , Richard Tarr , a shop assistant , runs a motorcycle rapid response unit for the UFO group Quest International and says that more and more of his calls are about crop formations .
11 Jo 's lesbianism is also important to the way she dresses ; she does n't want to look what she calls ‘ too femme ’ , and says that when she wears a skirt she gets a lot more hassle from men .
12 Jenny Dereham , editor of the Wainwright series , acknowledges that there have been protests , and says that Michael Joseph will consider a meeting with the objectors to discuss the possibility of republication , with revisions , at some future date .
13 The survey also points to a considerable rise in research and development investment , largely tied to pharmaceuticals , and says that the proportion of environmentally-linked spending should be 24 p.c. of the total in 1994 , against a level of 10 p.c. in 1991 .
14 Mr Miller started his London restaurant business Kenny 's at the beginning of the recession and says that , what with high interest rates , business rates and rents , an increase in value added tax , plus the recession , it has had many problems .
15 Jane cocks an eyebrow and says that , if anything , she has fattened me up .
16 The government turns its head aside from government support — apart from words — and says that it is either the employers ' responsibility or the employees ' …
17 ‘ In a glorious letter from Mother , ’ Leslie wrote , ‘ she waxes indignant about the formalities we must satisfy , and says that getting married seems to be in the category of committing a crime . ’
18 Kathryn , who is married with an 18-month-old daughter , said she was just curious to know whether these experiences could be connected with reincarnation and says that at times : ‘ I feel restless , a sort of sad yearning for what could have been a past life . ’
19 She points to a growth of interest in access TV and says that there is an awareness , ‘ in certain pockets of the industry ’ , that people from the grant-aided sector bring useful experience in working with a wide variety of people and communities .
20 Russell is the president of this group and says that it is unique within Morton because of its proportion of sales in Europe — some $200m out of $440m .
21 Q What is it your child does and says that makes you refer to his/her actions/words as a temper tantrum ?
22 He talks of my ‘ reticence and charm ’ and says that I looked like an ‘ office-worker ’ !
23 Gulfstream holds twelve letters of intent and initial deposits which it hopes to convert to firm contracts this month , and says that market studies suggest that the worldwide fleet of large bizjets will double over the next twelve years through increased globalisation of major businesses , fuelling demand for ultra long range aircraft .
24 He plans to market CIRVs in packs of six for £50,000 , and says that while potential users such as the SAS and RAF aircrew have shown great interest in the concept , Whitehall purse keepers have yet to be convinced .
25 Adam & Co managing director James Laurenson disputes that KPMG 's recommendations were not properly implemented and says that the letter to shareholders was simply ‘ their first line of defence in case of litigation ’ .
26 But Sir Alan , Flag Officer at Plymouth 's naval base , denies going too fast and says that the commodore 's yacht was not moored properly .
27 Fosse believe that the Advantage system is the first such system to be designed specifically for tennis and says that it has been its most successful introduction into the game with over 200 installations in the last four years .
28 Now that it is getting married , IBM is tearing up its object date book and says that existing object projects and software using technology from companies such as Versant Object Technology Inc and Objectivity Inc will be moved over to ObjectStore in their next releases .
29 He acknowledges that ‘ to make it fly , we have to get the next generation of telephones sorted out ’ and says that the European Telecommunications Standards Institution is working on the standard telephonic layouts , displays and icon conventions needed to ensure that users wo n't be too bewildered by the options offered by their neighbour 's phone .
30 Sun Microsystems Inc has confirmed formation of the wholly-owned personal communicator unit FirstPerson Inc ( CI No 2,118 ) and says that its key focus will be on developing software that enables different types of digital devices to swap data and work together — it has in mind televisions , radios , satellites and computers — and to license the software and technology to other companies for use in their electronics products , putting it in direct competition with General Magic Inc , while mirroring some of the concepts of the Echelon Corp Local Operating Network ; boss of the new company Wayne Rosen said that FirstPerson has not ruled out collaborating with General Magic .
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