Example sentences of "[coord] still are " in BNC.

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1 These are carefully worked out by teams of Examiners , who were once , or still are , teachers themselves .
2 These games were and still are much loathed by the majority within the Northern protestant community .
3 The clergy were and still are in a special position , holding power over the laity because of it .
4 which were and still are a display of dances that may or may not be applicable to the plot .
5 The movements were and still are practised because they are designed to display the body as it moves to the best advantage from the audience 's point of view .
6 They were and still are designed to give that style of dance spaciousness , calm , balance and grace of form so that the lines drawn during the transition from one step an/or pose to another fills the available space in every dimension .
7 On the whole , however , players were — and still are — happier turning out for their clubs .
8 Naturally these rules were and still are interpreted for the economic convenience of society .
9 What it meant in human terms was that black UK citizens excluded from their own country ( Britain ) were and still are being forced to live in countries where they have no right to live or work .
10 Both men , in fact , were and still are , honestly convinced they have done a first-rate job .
11 Perhaps more convincingly , the nettle tips were ( and still are ) a spring-time green vegetable , high in vitamins and minerals , a valuable supplement to diet .
12 In extreme cases of default , powers ( under sections 68 and 99 ) were , and still are , available to the Secretary of State , although they have rarely been used .
13 The massed emigrants to the United States were ( and still are ) in many cases American patriots well before they arrived or could speak English .
14 This was a genuine experiment and lessons were — and still are — being learned .
15 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
16 If , as the psychodynamic school believes , obesity is fundamentally a psychological problem , it follows that treatment should ideally be aimed at the mind rather than at the body , and that treatment aimed at the body will leave the underlying psychological problem unaltered or even aggravated , similar objections were and still are levelled against behavioural treatments which allegedly deal only with ‘ symptoms ’ , leaving the underlying problem to spring up anew .
17 Neither German nor Polish , the Kaszubes were then ( and still are ) a stubbornly insular and agrarian people , thoroughly resistant to change .
18 These sparkling wines of St Hilaire , known as vin de blanquette , were and still are produced , just east of Limoux , south of the old walled city of Narbonne , by the so-called ‘ rural method ’ .
19 They were and still are helpful in my classical playing , but they also helped me in developing slurring in my electric playing .
20 They 've just let me and our coaches get on with the job of trying to get us out of the mess we were in , and still are in .
21 There were , and still are , many other regional cultures which are not Swahili but are nonetheless Tanzanian .
22 Many of the organization 's leading figures were , and still are , ‘ spinsters ’ who ‘ teamed up with each other ’ or with women outside the youth work world .
23 Just man 's inhumanity to man , and the ignorance and the cruelty and the lack of compassion that people were showing — and still are .
24 We have a similar concern for members of ethnic and religious groups who have been and still are victims of discrimination and restricted opportunities for participation in society and its institutions .
25 Transracial adoption was also encouraged by developments in child care practice designed to reduce dramatically the number of children living in institutions , of whom a disproportionate number were and still are black ( Raynor 1975 ; Rowe and Lambert , 1970 ) .
26 its primary aims were , and still are , to encourage professional standards in the industry by supporting and promoting illustrators — the only body of its kind in this country to represent and campaign for illustrators ' rights .
27 Religious rituals and the arts have been , and still are , concerned with handling this unresolved problem handed down to the present by the institutions which preserve the archaic heritage of mankind , especially religions .
28 Though these different perspectives on the role of sociology have been and still are the source of much debate among sociologists themselves , for the layperson no such complications exist : that is , many people understand sociology as being only concerned with social problems , social policies and social reform .
29 People have been and still are attracted by its colour and above all by its lustre .
30 We have had three Conservative governments that have been and still are committed to the rolling back of the ‘ nanny ’ state .
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