Example sentences of "[coord] may in " in BNC.

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1 To identify English as peculiarly problematical should not weaken the general defence of humane values in education , and may in the longer run help to strengthen them .
2 These and other examples suggest that engineering design may impose some rather loose constraints on structure , and may in some cases impose precise quantitative constraints on shape ( e.g. the shapes of bird 's wings are very accurately adapted to particular modes of flight ) .
3 For the minor channels , and here we may include BBC2 and Channel Four , and may in the future add local cable stations , considerable opportunities exist to report on developments in the field of mental handicap .
4 This will help the breast to clear the infection and may in itself prevent a mild bout from getting worse .
5 If staff find themselves having to implement policy which they have no part in making , they may have little commitment to it and may in the longer term become alienated .
6 The owl will not forget the ordeal and may in future avoid that particular neck of the woods .
7 Menopause symptoms are similar to those of food intolerance and may in fact be triggered off by hormone changes .
8 It is notably the first post-Roman coin hoard in England and may in itself signify a change in the economy .
9 In general , this is a good idea since delay is unlikely to save you any money — and may in fact actually cost you more .
10 The three excerpts reproduced here demonstrate the complexity of the issue of family allowance or child benefit , and the mixture of motives and alliances that have in the past , and may in future , be generated by it .
11 However , direct coercive sanctions require continuous effort , and may in fact be a rather brittle form of social control , so we should not expect dominant groups in different societies to rely wholly and simply on such crude means of retaining their power and privilege , especially where their position has long been entrenched .
12 Quite clearly , though , the aims of Compact are consonant with the aims of the new generation of examinations and Compact will provide new resources and learning opportunities which can be used as a basis for course work and may in some circumstances be eligible for assessment and certification by the examining bodies , e.g. as a module in GCSE or CPVE or as the basis of an entire examination such as the AEB Basic Test " World of Work " .
13 The criteria may offer guidelines as to standards appropriate to grade levels and may in addition at any grade level be split into separate features of the mathematical investigation , leading to a set of marks or grades which then have to be aggregated in some way .
14 It exists in other professional fields , especially those which deal with people rather than things , and may in time arise in nursing which is currently becoming more academically orientated .
15 Other more ‘ enlightened ’ strategies are possible , and may in the long run prove more profitable .
16 may accord recognition to an S.R.O. , and may in appropriate circumstances revoke that recognition .
17 In such cases it is perfectly understandable that discussion of the culture from which a language grows is of minor importance and may in fact be actively discouraged .
18 The upshot is that holiday/tour organisers who book hotels in this country are imposing stringent contract conditions on the hotels and may in some cases be looking for some performance guarantees or such-like so that they have some redress if your shortcomings result in them having to pay up to their customers .
19 As a result , during vigorous proliferation the basal layer folds where the stem cells are located because the daughter cells migrate away from the stem cells ( proliferative flux ) and may in addition create ‘ expansive pressure ’ because they are more actively dividing .
20 With hindsight , it is apparent that new entrants experienced difficulty in predicting customer demand , and may in the event have overestimated the sustainable level .
21 It will require constant monitoring of the technological situation and may in the longer term necessitate several changes of format to keep pace with changes in storage devices and technique .
22 The event might not have any obvious long-term adverse significance and may in fact have seemingly positive rather than negative features , such as the reappearance and request to renew contact with a lover with whom a person had had an intense relationship a few years earlier .
23 Parents have a crucial role to play in preparing their children for an independent adult life but may in practice unwittingly inhibit that progress .
24 ‘ 143(1) On an application for an order under section 18 of the Act made in respect of proceedings in the Supreme Court ( except proceedings on appeal from a county court ) or in the House of Lords , the court shall not make an order forthwith , but may in its discretion — ( a ) refer the application to a master or registrar for hearing and determination ; or ( b ) adjourn the hearing of the application ; or ( c ) dismiss the application … ’
25 Thus we have to say of medieval popular drama that the sense of ritual ‘ presence ’ , of the kind still indicated by the formalized words and movements of the mass , has significantly changed , but may in some new combination of signals be still to some extent active , in ways that it is clearly -not in later forms and systems .
26 But natural predators could benefit , especially the otter which is rare here , but may in time return .
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