Example sentences of "[coord] so give " in BNC.

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1 Although it can not be entirely free of period distortions , it shows more modest fluctuations in fertility than the TFR and in particular gives an estimate of fertility of over 2 children for most of the time since 1972 , not the 1.8 or so given by the IFR .
2 But friends assured me there was more to this grand range of mountains than my experience had suggested , and so to give it a chance I went back to climb Cairn Gorm properly , giving the bridies as wide a body swerve as possible .
3 In any piece of fiction there must be room for the reader — room for him to jump at a suggestion , to insert himself into a story , to respond to hints and clues : to be told what is offered to him is to encourage him to read passively and so to give him less than he deserves .
4 Evans sees it as an adaptation of the Egyptian dog-ape , possibly developing from the monkey frescoes in the Knossos Labyrinth ; the monkey was not native to Crete and the animal may have been taken for a monster and so given an impulse to the creation of other monsters .
5 Hitherto , the Greeks had instinctively interpreted their experience through their myths and so given it " the stamp of the eternal " .
6 A tuberculin remains as a useful diagnostic agent for detecting the state of immunity to tuberculosis , and so giving evidence of the presence , or past presence , of the disease .
7 Flu viruses are notorious for the ease in which they undergo such antigenic shifts , as they are called , and so giving rise to epidemics .
8 He particularly sought remedies which correct these negative mind states , thus freeing the patient from their harmful effects and so giving the body a better chance to heal itself .
9 Some kinds achieve a modest height by packing closely together in cushions and so giving one another support , but their soft , permeable , water-filled cells do not provide enough strength to enable individual stems to stand upright .
10 He 'd once thought of asking one of the Venetz sisters out , but they were pretty well inseparable ; a turndown did n't worry him so much as the prospect of being accepted by one and so giving offence to the other .
11 Only in one respect is a consideration of their characteristics illuminating , in emphasizing the fact that the state is not the only means by which the cohesion of a society is assured , and so giving some support to those liberal pluralist theories which treat the state as one association among others , and not always the most important .
12 At the economic level by avoiding the separation of accumulation from production and so giving the working class control of the social surplus product .
13 Pompeii lay in verdant , wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus , goddess of fecundity , Hercules and Bacchus .
14 Perhaps the terms of reference were slightly vague , but the NZRFU probably considered that their lads deserved a break , and so gave general permission for the expedition to Italy .
15 His family knew nothing of education and so gave him no support or encouragement , still less active aid .
16 In fact , Hunter saw Chaplin as ‘ the Dickens of the films ’ and so gave another reminder of how the whole world of silent movies was moulded in the idiom of the great Victorian writer .
17 Stephen Lazarević , Lazar 's successor , actually fought for Bayezid 's Turkish army at the battle of Ankara in 1402 when Timur defeated the Turks and so gave the Byzantines a half-century respite before the conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II in 1453 .
18 Aileen had read about multi-currency mortgages in the newspapers and so gave a specialist broker a call to find out more .
19 It was white , and so gave optimum visibility on the screen .
20 From there , she was able to make regular visits to Vietnam — and so give us essential reports on where our help was needed most .
21 We have already emphasized the value of coins as evidence ; among other things they sometimes reveal the number of minters at work in a city , and so give us a hazy but valuable indication of the relative size of the towns of a kingdom .
22 This state of mind will transmit itself into the drawing and so give it life .
23 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
24 Furthermore , I am hypothesising that , on occasions , they collectively develop shared myths to account to themselves how they relate politically to each other in their different roles within the complex organization of a business enterprise and so give meaning to life at work .
25 Goma appealed to the man who denounced the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 to stand up and be counted , and so give an example to his fellow citizens to persuade them to overcome their reticence about signing the Charter :
26 It also helps to vary the shapes of the flowers as well as their colours : for example , hydrangeas are much more pointed in shape than roses , and the petals of potentillas are widely spaced and so give a more pronounced petal shape .
27 This state of mind will transmit itself into the drawing and so give it life .
28 Mr Major must also be wondering why , if the recession is so bad , so many firms never bother to finish the job and so give themselves a chance of being paid .
29 The quality can be high , but terracottas are on the whole cheap products for the local market , and so give valuable indication of the styles prevalent in particular places .
30 The main problem faced by both of the pressure sensitive systems is that the weight of a hand pressing on another part of the surface can alter the resistive characteristics and so give false readings .
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