Example sentences of "[coord] as the " in BNC.

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1 The agent and artist do n't care what happens to the other 50p , whether it is spent either as the show 's costs or as the promoter 's profit .
2 Having indirectly and inadvertently brought Asian women to Britain , the racism of the state and the racism of British society now defines the wider position of Asian women in this country — as the lowest paid and most exploited workers , or as the wives and daughters of such workers — an unstable and unacceptable situation full of conflict and contradictions .
3 Important deaths come in special news flashes , or as the first item , not at the end .
4 The ambivalence lies in the representation of the Goddess as either alone or as the spouse of a male God .
5 But he 's still mainly known either for having had Grace in his face a few years back , or as the third meatboy in line after Stallone and Scharzenegger ; one of that strange Eighties breed of actors who can manage all kinds of complicated weapons , but have trouble with lines of dialogue longer than ten words .
6 Stated generally , the fundamental rationale he offers for having to do so is that he , either himself or as the agent of society , knew better than the patient what should be done to or for the patient .
7 Then follow safeguards , to help those who in conscience can not accept women as priests or as the ‘ head ’ of local churches .
8 β-blockade might impair carbohydrate metabolism either as a consequence of direct β-adrenoreceptor blockade or as the result of relatively unopposed α activity , either of which might suppress insulin release .
9 This problem appears in a more or less acute form in many countries whose borders were arbitrarily set by colonial rulers or as the outcome of wars .
10 The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem — it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities .
11 Both maintain that there are symbolic representations of the Ultimate whether the Ultimate be depicted as Truth or as the Holy .
12 I will deal with the problems involved in regarding the way of non-violence as an absolute rule , or infallible guide to conduct , or as the right way in all circumstances without exception , in a later chapter on ahi sā .
13 This unit will be conducted by Mrs Chris Smith , Pastoral Director at Ushaw , and people are welcome to attend this as a complete course in its own right , or as the first stage in the longer course which contains five further units .
14 These are not strictly speaking our responsibility , either as developers or as the management company , but the provision of such cover is a useful selling point .
15 Accordingly Mystery Tour can be used as a supplement to any course at this level ( for example , Streamline Destinations , Headway Intermediate , or Fast Forward 2 ) or as the sole basis for a short course at this level .
16 The 1970s saw a major shift in focus and suddenly people were describing the hippocampus as a ‘ cognitive map ’ ( O'Keefe and Nadel 1978 ) or as the repository of ‘ working memory ’ ( Olton 1983 ) .
17 He dubbed himself ‘ The Dragon ’ , but was known as the ‘ Railway Rapist ’ as he picked his victims at random as they travelled on trains , waited on platforms or as the walked close to railway stations .
18 The judges declined to accept the Tobacco Institute of Australia 's argument that the sentence was not intended as a statement of fact but as merely an expression of opinion or as the platform of an argument in a community wide debate .
19 The doctrine of consideration provides that a promise will bind the promisor only if it is given as the price for another 's promise or as the price for an action which involves a detriment to the promisee .
20 Younger people are more likely to identify health as being physically active or as the absence of symptoms ( i.e. never being ill ) than older people .
21 They might introduce themselves as being the best mate of a particular fan or as the one who hangs around with a particular group .
22 The Convention text emphasises the source of the document , and the capacity in which the person concerned is acting ; a notary may be acting as a public officer or as the agent of a private party , and only in the former case will the Convention apply to documents issued by him .
23 The resolution was ambiguous in not making it clear whether the ROK was being recognised as ‘ South Korea ’ or as the government of the whole of Korea .
24 In its place , the Home Secretary would appoint a standing Advisory Council to report and make recommendations from time to time on such aspects of penal treatment as he might refer to it or as the Council itself , having consulted the Home Secretary , felt that it ought to consider .
25 The problem of course with Christology for feminists is that Jesus was a male human being and that thus as a symbol , as the Christ , or as the Second Person of the trinity , it would seem that ‘ God ’ becomes in some way ‘ male ’ .
26 As these examples show , a particular phenomenon ( e.g. , the window breaking ) can be regarded either as an event , or as the subject-matter of a conclusion .
27 Opening up the printing trade to women could be seen either as the unscrupulous recruitment of low-paid labour or as the expansion of opportunities for educated working-class girls .
28 Women living alone , or as the sole wage-earner in an all-female household , or widows with children were invisible , though statistically by no means insignificant .
29 Quite clearly , though , the aims of Compact are consonant with the aims of the new generation of examinations and Compact will provide new resources and learning opportunities which can be used as a basis for course work and may in some circumstances be eligible for assessment and certification by the examining bodies , e.g. as a module in GCSE or CPVE or as the basis of an entire examination such as the AEB Basic Test " World of Work " .
30 Compacts may in some circumstances be eligible for assessment and certification by the examining bodies , for example as a module in GCSE or CPVE or as the basis of an entire examination such as the AEB Basic Test " World of Work " .
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