Example sentences of "[coord] she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Having been involved in a substantial amount of this sort of work for 15 years , I believe it is correct to aver that once a person reaches 60 there is an unwritten rule or convention which determines that he or she shall not receive a first appointment .
2 There are also a good many ‘ users ’ of the service who are treated involuntarily , where a family member , friend or professional has determined that he or she shall receive treatment and care whether it is wanted or not , because it is judged to be in the best interests of the individual 's health or safety .
3 The Member of Parliament shall be eligible for nomination for selection as the prospective parliamentary candidate and , whether nominated or not , he or she shall be entitled to appear as if they had been nominated before the special meeting of the General Committee convened in accordance with section ( 3 ) of this clause and to be considered for selection as the prospective parliamentary candidate .
4 If the said Member of Parliament is not selected as the prospective parliamentary candidate at the special meeting referred to in paragraph ( b ) above to be the prospective parliamentary candidate , he or she shall have the right to appeal to the National Executive Committee on the grounds , and only on the grounds , that the procedure laid down in these rules and the general provision of the constitution and rules have not been properly carried out .
5 As he landed heavily on the linoleum , the doctor called to him : ‘ Tell her I 'll be paying the ten shillings or she wo n't come . ’
6 He or she wo n't tell you what to do — but will be alongside you ( metaphorically ) as you find your own way .
7 If an aspiring agent does n't go to college or university , there is no reason why he or she ca n't apply to an agency and come in as a very junior person to work their way up .
8 The younger adolescent is to be pardoned for feeling that he or she ca n't win !
9 Here , in ( ii ) , the utterance provides the clue : B has to go to Edinburgh ; thus if A and B are both far from Edinburgh ( and mutually know this ) , so that it will take the rest of the day to travel and do things there , then B is busy today ; sob is indirectly producing a reason why he or she ca n't easily come to see A , and in so doing can be understood to be refusing A's request .
10 So and she ca I do n't know whether you noticed or she ca n't make a cup of coffee without spilling it .
11 These panels are likely to suffer from what has been called ‘ duty ’ listening or viewing in which a person feels he or she ought to , say , watch a television programme because there is a questionnaire for it , even though it is not a programme that person would ordinarily view at all .
12 He goes on to advise those still wrestling with uncertainty , ‘ He or she ought to examine , with the help of others , what his or her own attitudes to sexuality really are .
13 Admission for assessment for twenty-eight days ( section 2 ) is possible where a person is suffering from mental disorder and it is considered that he or she ought to be detained in the interests of his or her own health or safety or with a view to the protection of other persons .
14 After the emergency , give your child the opportunity to talk about the incident and about any other worries he or she may have .
15 He or she may recommend chiropody , or visits from a district nurse ; or physiotherapy may be required to help regain mobility after an operation .
16 He or she may even be the local greengrocer who hears a band rehearsing down the road in the village hall .
17 However , if an agent is enjoying the wine with a Bryan Adams , he or she may be drinking the vinegar with a manager 's smaller act who makes much more work than the bigger act , with absolutely no income .
18 At a certain point in a writer 's career , he or she may want to set up his or her own publishing company .
19 Also , even if a subject is never directly or completely ‘ freed ’ trom repression by its displacement , he or she may be empowered in other ways — for example , by being seen to be homophobic in a homophobic culture .
20 Or she may simply be trying to snub President Cory Aquino , who refuses to allow Marcos back , even through he is dead ; and has barred Imelda too .
21 If such a spouse is not in occupation , he or she may enter and occupy the home with leave of the court .
22 Not infrequently , in fact , he or she may be assisted in his search by that same social services department ( Haimes and Timms , 1985 ) .
23 Appropriate feedback is vital in the patient 's relearning process , so he receives praise only when it is deserved : if he fails in any way , the physiotherapist remains encouraging and positive about it , but shows him how and why he went wrong , or she may simply leave that task for the moment and return to it later , when the patient can concentrate and get it right .
24 You will not necessarily see your physiotherapist doing exactly the treatment techniques described below : she may use some of these techniques plus others she has devised herself , or she may use a completely different method .
25 If a constable reasonably suspects that an arrestable offence has been committed , he or she may detain anyone whom he or she reasonably suspects to be guilty of it .
26 He or she may choose to travel with friends , but the true traveller sets out to make an independent , unhurried journey to the unknown , without supervision , avoiding tourist shrines and travelling where few foreign feet tread .
27 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
28 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
29 You could even say that you should worry if a child reaches the age of seven or eight without ever using swear words , since he or she may not be listening to people perhaps not even to you .
30 He or she may — and probably will — possess a more subtle view of ‘ professionalism ’ than the capacity to deliver examination results , but at the same time it is well known that many parents and politicians see those results as the crucial way by which schools account for their success or failure .
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