Example sentences of "[coord] we made " in BNC.

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1 Or we made a little fault with the design .
2 He picked up the Bren gun , I collected the ammunition and we made our way out of the orchard .
3 Mollie put the album back and we made our way downstairs with our collection of chemicals .
4 Brundle said : ‘ I started well , the car felt good and we made a fantastic pit stop .
5 St Tropez these days is a circus and we made the mistake of eating with the elephants .
6 Unfortunately for him he made par and we made seven to stay one shot ahead .
7 It was winter and we made an early start , travelling the seventy-odd miles in darkness so as to arrive with time to tackle up and be fishing as the last dregs of darkness dripped away .
8 The closure notice was peremptory and we made the most of the fact that a poor , struggling little community service radio station , without benefit of commercial revenue , serving the southern and central parts of the province from gratis studios and operated by a completely voluntary staff , was being victimized by a powerful political federal body without regard to the expressed wishes of the people .
9 By Tuesday 20th Bob had blown away so at 5.30am we heard the clang of the chow bell to awaken us and we made our preparations to get underway .
10 ‘ Two hundred slaves and we made no profit ? ’ the Doctor was saying in a jovial way that seemed out of place .
11 We got our first publishing contract through that , but we were just signing as songwriters and we made the odd grotesque , poppy single !
12 They are match-winners and we made a special effort to involve them .
13 Exports also climbed , to a 20-year-high at £9.2 billion , and we made £200 million on ‘ invisible ’ earnings .
14 And we made two cars one big and one small .
15 And we made a road .
16 We called ourselves January — so inspiring — and we made this record which sold 3000 copies .
17 I was dancing with her and we made a date for the following day outside the Plaza cinema at six o'clock .
18 The colonel gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder , and we made for the outside world again .
19 As he started up the car and we made our way further round the island , Robins explained , ‘ They 're good sports , but every new face is welcome .
20 CLA members and staff all contributed and we made around 23 policy recommendations on every aspect of access .
21 ‘ In addition , we shipped more than 13,000 of our low-cost MicroSparc-based desktop workstations , and we made our initial shipments of the new Sparccenter 2000 enterprise server products .
22 The butcher boned our turkey to make it easier to carve , and we made a stuffing with packet mix and a few clever extras .
23 And we made our own entertainment that is the thing about it , you know ?
24 We could n't leave Malham country without seeing the Cove and we made a detour in the mini-bus .
25 Tomorrow never came , and we made do with bread , onions , and a form of processed cheese called La vache qui rit , the Laughing Cow .
26 He looked quite normal , however , and we made conversation for a while , although he seemed to be thinking of something else .
27 The luck began to run the other way and we made a bit of a fortune that six months .
28 Some of the men carried spades , others food and rum , and we made our way to the beach where the two boats were waiting .
29 When she 'd calmed down she asked me if I 'd been to the doctors , and we made arrangements for her to take me down .
30 And this was a hot topic for debate at the I C S in , in er Nova Scotia , and we made absolutely no progress at all er with this issue during that meeting .
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