Example sentences of "[coord] from the " in BNC.

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1 Autoradiogram of mobility of 5 ligated 42-mers with differential deviation & from the full helical turn distance between the GGGCCC and AAAAA motifs ( &=; 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 bp ) on a 8% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel .
2 Plot of relative mobility of 5 ligated 42-mers , versus deviation & from the helical turn distance between the GGGCCC and AAAAA motifs .
3 ‘ Full circle ’ because we have renewed friendships , acquaintance & contact with people of & from the past .
4 All these leaflets are available free of charge from the Health Education Service of your local Health Authority , or from the Supplies Department of the Health Education Council .
5 Further information is available from your local Age Concern group or from the Marketing Department of Age Concern England .
6 This leaflet is available free from DSS offices , post offices , or from the DHSS Leaflets Unit , P.O. Box 21 , Stanmore , Middx , HA7 1AY , quoting reference number .
7 gestures and behaviour from work activities in rural areas ( landowners , farmers and peasants ) or in urban areas ( merchants , innkeepers and so on ) or from the professions ( army , navy , medicine , law ) .
8 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
9 This suite now runs as a broadly balanced progression from fast to slow to fast again , or from the brilliant , epigrammatic and many-layered — A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes — to the increasingly linear .
10 It was difficult to determine whether the explosions were from the German shells or from the Allied shells passing over , with the usual one or two dropping short .
11 In due course , they will suffer from the mood of ‘ time for a change ’ , either to consolidate or reverse policies , or from the rise of new issues .
12 Information regarding the ownership of churches belonging to the various non-conformist sects can be obtained either from the General Secretary of the Free Church Federal Council or from the appropriate denominational headquarters .
13 In the sixth arrondissement , between the Boulevard Saint-Michel and the Rue des Saints-Peres , the Seine and the Luxembourg , about one hundred folk are traced , as they moved their operations from the Flore to the Deux Magots to the Brasserie Lipp or from the brothels of the Rue Gregoire de Tours to the cheap hotels , La Madison and La Lousiane but especially Le Montana .
14 There is general dissatisfaction with direct debits being charged at the wrong time or from the wrong account and so-called ‘ phantom withdrawals ’ from ATMs .
15 I do not remember now how or why I did so , because despite my infatuation I still sometimes thought Dana was a Franco spy , or from the FBI or the CIA or even the CID or the KGB .
16 It was as if he were a sheet of paper torn into many little pieces which she felt she had to cover entirely with her hand , but could not , however hard she tried , because the wind always blew a few of the pieces from between her fingers or from the edge of her palm .
17 A safer approach is to date quartz within the flow , or from the underlying sediment heated by the flow .
18 The range of coins available was sufficient for even the smallest transactions , and we can glimpse from reading a Latin novel such as The Golden Ass of Apuleius or from the many papyri which have survived from Egypt that these societies used coinage very much as we do .
19 The Gardens of England and Wales , detailing open days , is available from bookshops , or from The National Gardens Scheme , Hatchlands Park , East Clandon , Guildford , Surrey GU4 7RT ( 0483 211535 ) , price £2.75 inc p & p .
20 Copies may be obtained from the Trust at Langholm , Dumfriesshire DG13 0HL or from the HFRO at Bush Estate , Penicuik , Midlothian EH26 0PY , UK .
21 More than once Miller emphasised that roses , being natives of northern countries or from the cold mountains of warmer ones , relish their freedom .
22 That was all I ever learned directly from the regiment or from the War Office .
23 So in this case the different sources of evidence all point in the same direction , whether derived from a detailed consideration of the way the trilobite is constructed , or by analogy with living animals with similar adaptations , or from the evidence of the rocks or the distribution of the fossils .
24 Heat flows from regions of high temperature to regions of low temperature , so that heat is either flowing from the continents to the oceans , or from the oceans into the continents .
25 He did n't bother to look back to see whether the shots were coming from the patrol boat or from the tender .
26 The first visions to distort this mirage had appeared on the southern border of Lebanon or from the sea off Beirut in 1946 when the Covenant was barely three years old .
27 Evaporation , directly from the ground , or from the leaves of plants , which draw water from the ground , will take water from the top of the unsaturated zone .
28 Well-dressed and well-spoken , he may claim to be a solicitor , an official from a well-known organisation , or from the local council .
29 Whereas the diagnosis of early infectious syphilis can be made with a good degree of accuracy by identifying the treponeme with darkground examination of serum from a chancre or from the skin lesions of secondary infection , in latent or late syphilis , be it acquired or congenital , the diagnosis depends on the finding of antibodies to the infection in the blood .
30 If it was felt that these conditions would be insufficient to prevent ‘ serious public disorder ’ , then the chief officer could apply for a banning order — from the Home Secretary in London , or from the local council in any other part of the country .
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