Example sentences of "[coord] he really " in BNC.

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1 Either he was so upset that he did n't look where he was going , or he really did jump on purpose . ’
2 Dickens , Shakespeare , Thackeray , Shaw ; either he was deliberately out to impress , which she reluctantly doubted , or he really was well read .
3 You talk to the man you are buying it from and he really takes trouble over you .
4 We liked the stuff he was doing and he really started to develop an image for us as well .
5 At the time David was going through , what I suppose you could call an apprenticeship and he really did n't know what he wanted to do .
6 Although his love was faint , it was , nevertheless , genuine and he really did love God , His word and His people .
7 Dino is cool to skate with because he is better then me and he really pushes everything to the maximum .
8 And I sat with him until he went to sleep , and he really looked peaceful …
9 God , he 's nice , and he really works at his polo , every evening , lining up ball after ball , and practising penalties .
10 Of course he has been over it a million times in his mind , but when the normal glide speed is 160kts , with the drop tanks you should have 175kts , add another 15 on top of that to flare it from a descent , and he really needed 200 kts to make a decent landing in those conditions .
11 Then , you know , he testified in my father 's tax trial , and he really made an absolute ass of himself because he did n't know his geography of Washington .
12 ‘ It was demanding , and he really had to work very hard .
13 He took exception to some minor misdemeanour and he really walloped me — six times across the bottom with some weighty piece of gym equipment .
14 And he really bristles !
15 If you did get in any trouble there was this man , Joe , and he was a really big hard man , he was a black-belt in karate and everything , and he really did mentally and physically terrify the girls .
16 But while Wainfleet 's apology had been specious and he really did not see what all the fuss was about , he was not quite as carefree as he had let them think .
17 That he 'd do that in the morning as a little part time job for 'em , and all he 'd do is erm , the Pool Manager , which is at Lock Gates , he know what ships come in the day before and he really know the man and then in the morning they 'd say well so and so ship has arrived but perhaps he might know it , then he 'd send , he 'd know what men to send and this , cos I , I used to get the latest information , they did n't worry him , they worried me about lates latest information and of course we knew what ships was due for the next day so we knew what allocation we wanted .
18 They were always changing them to try and balance up the take I suppose , on each , each leg of the route and there was always was the chief clerk then and him and I got on very well together and he really initiated me into running times .
19 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
20 He would prefer ones with arms , and he really wishes they were n't green .
21 and he really was a marvellous player .
22 You see , he 's got such skill , his footwork , and he 's always in the right position , and he really was , I ca n't pay a higher tribute .
23 I was scared because if what Quigley had said to Pikey was true and he really did n't know Mr Marr , how come he had access to his full name and date of birth ?
24 He said he had a bunch of flowers — and he really had — for Mrs Asmoyah .
25 I would to our officers they should not grant another contract to Borough Council until they start to use the correct machines for doing the work and I hope that that message now has got across to the cou county surveyor and he really ought to be talking to Borough Council to find out what they 're doing about it .
26 He 's not a bad boy , just foolish sometimes , and he really does mean well . ’
27 ‘ He was a remarkably intellectual man with a rare sense of humour , and he really cared about people . ’
28 And he really was a character .
29 And he really , and he really did belt him one .
30 And he really , and he really did belt him one .
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