Example sentences of "[coord] he just " in BNC.

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1 For the second lot , he may have another code which I do n't have or he just knows them by heart .
2 He came back , and when he found the place locked up again , he got a scare , or he just decided to play it safe , and made off . ’
3 Er the er the lady he was a widower and his , er his f er he was with a lady who was a widow and erm I know for a fact that she 'd not spent a penny , she had n't p you know for a you know , of the trip or , or he just would n't let her , I mean , I mean you , you 've got to have some money have n't you to keep
4 The bus turns the corner and it gets stuck in some traffic for a bit and he just carries on shouting again and again .
5 He knew that there was a big market in Japan and that you could tour there fairly economically because it was such a small cluster of islands , and he just decided he would .
6 Here was his dog about to kill a lamb and he just stood there doing nothing .
7 And he just would n't let anybody near him who would n't kiss his ass . ’
8 I asked why should I bother to do that when presumably if I had set the trap I would expect Harry 's car still to be there after the races , and he just wrote down my answer as if I 'd made a confession . ’
9 I had a marvellous ride all the way round and he just took me into the lead .
10 As the ground had dried out it was also a surprise that he should go so quickly on it and he just tired at Valentine 's second-time .
11 And he just went on and on and on .
12 But she did not forget ‘ sitting on me grandad 's rocking chair combing his hair and I can always remember him sat there and me stood up behind him : I 'd comb his hair for hours and he just sat there and let me . ’
13 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
14 I said , ‘ Come on , there are a lot of birdies left out here still , ’ and he just kept making them — along with an eagle !
15 Mum asked what he wanted it for and he just said , ‘ I 've got an idea ’ .
16 He and Henry met at Yarramalong ( ask Robert the population , and he just laughs ) — a sparse town north-west of Sydney , 40 minutes from the coast and not too far from the Hunter Valley ( prime wine-making country ) .
17 And I think my own sort of obsessive nature in the studio really started to get to Terry , and he just gave up trying .
18 So I said , ‘ Let's knock up a quick vocal and let's knock up Keith 's guitar , ’ and he just banged up a solo very quickly and it was great . ’
19 ‘ I once asked him why he did it and he just said he and Parul were sexually incompatible .
20 I 've never been into party political material as such and he just does n't make me laugh . ’
21 And he just left it at that ? ’
22 ‘ Vinnie is only a football player , and he just went and did something which , ideally , he should not have done .
23 A new craze had swept in and he just had n't seen it coming .
24 He found one of my mother 's earrings down the side of the back seat and he just sat there staring at it .
25 He wo n't sleep during the day and he just never gets worn out .
26 And he just jumped . ’
27 And he just about managed to make out the three words uttered by Sheriff James Farrell : ‘ You are discharged . ’
28 Richard Dreyfuss was booked one week and on the night of the show a confusion over dates and times led his film company to arrange a business call that linked up Los Angeles , London , Australia and New York and he just had to be there .
29 I mean , he had no idea about what possibilities there were for me and he just looked at it as a very , very dodgy profession to want to go into .
30 ‘ We had a drummer and he just could n't cut it .
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